Excited to share the latest (still in press) paper led by Irmarie Cotto from our research group. "Low diversity and microdiversity of #comammox bacteria in wastewater systems suggest specific adaptations within the Ca. Nitrospira nitrosa cluster.'"
RT @watermicrobe
Excited to share a new pre-print led by .@KatieCommits & @irmarie_25 in collaboration with @HRSDVA. "Co-occurrence and cooperation between #comammox and #anammox bacteria in a full-scale attached growth municipal wastewater treatment process." (1/10)
Start of a new social platform use/posts with some pictures of our beloved microbes: Still in operation the original co culture of #anammox and #comammox bacteria. Read more on this fascinating discovery of new #nitrogen cycle bacteria in van Kessel et al 2015 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26610025/