School #45, #AshGrove; Miss #HazelMcKay, Teacher. One-room school in fair condition. Opened September 4th--8 months term. #Enrollment22, average attendance 15; last year: enrollment 27, average attendance 15. The balance are picking cotton and also 5 more that have not enrolled at all. Pickers may be out 2 weeks more. Teacher expects 30 enrolled after picking is over. Location: #ComancheCounty, #Oklahoma
#ashgrove #hazelmckay #enrollment22 #comanchecounty #oklahoma #photography #lewishine #childlabour #childlabor
#Jewel and #HaroldWalker, 6 and 5 years old, pick 20 to #25pounds of cotton a day. Father said: "I promised em a little wagon if they'd pick steady, and now they have half a bagful in just a little while." See 4564. Location: #ComancheCounty--Geronimo, #Oklahoma
#jewel #haroldwalker #25pounds #comanchecounty #oklahoma #photography #lewishine #childlabour #childlabor
#PecanSchool #60; Miss #Aurell, Teacher. Opened September 4th--8 months term. 22 present to-day; should be 50. #Cotton picking chief cause of absence. #Enrollment30, average attendance 25; last year: enrollment 60, average attendance 37. 18 not enrolled are still out for picking. Location: #ComancheCounty, #Oklahoma
#pecanschool #aurell #cotton #enrollment30 #comanchecounty #oklahoma #photography #lewishine #childlabour #childlabor
#HazelDavis, #Tinney, #Okla. 7 years old. Picks #50pounds of cotton in half a day, according to testimony of father and brother. Father owns farm. #Hazel goes to #PrairieLeeSchool. Location: #ComancheCounty, Oklahoma
#hazeldavis #tinney #okla #50pounds #hazel #prairieleeschool #comanchecounty #photography #lewishine #childlabour #childlabor
#HillsideSchool #58; Miss #BlancheCalyer, Teacher. Opened September 11th--8 months term. #Enrollment20, Average attendance 18 last year: enrollment 43, average attendance 36). 15 others are out for cotton picking and may be out a month more. Teacher says families are mostly tenants, but she thinks they need help of children during cotton picking season. Location: #ComancheCounty, #Oklahoma
#hillsideschool #blanchecalyer #enrollment20 #comanchecounty #oklahoma #photography #lewishine #childlabour #childlabor
Children of Mrs. #Lawrence, a renter near #Tinney, #Okla. They go to #PrairieLeeSchool. #Beula is 13 years old and picks about 200 pounds a day when cotton is good. She drags and carries a bag that holds #50pounds and more before it is emptied. #Norma is 10 years old and picks from 100 to 1#50pounds a day. Drags the sack which often holds #50pounds or more before emptied. #Randall is 9 years old; has picked over 100 pounds a day--usually less. He does not carry quite so large a sackful as his sisters. Location: #ComancheCounty, Oklahoma.
#lawrence #tinney #okla #prairieleeschool #beula #50pounds #norma #randall #comanchecounty #photography #lewishine #childlabour #childlabor
#Edith, 11 years old and #Blanche13. Each picks #about100pounds of cotton a day. Go to #BeaverBendSchool when through. Father, #W.T.Rumage, #Route1, #Lawton, #Okla. Location: #ComancheCounty, Oklahoma
#Photography #LewisHine #ChildLabour #ChildLabor
#edith #blanche13 #about100pounds #beaverbendschool #w #route1 #lawton #okla #comanchecounty #photography #lewishine #childlabour #childlabor
#FredHill, 3 years old, sometimes picks #20pounds of cotton a day. See #4580. Location: #ComancheCounty, #Oklahoma
#Photography #LewisHine #ChildLabour #ChildLabor
#fredhill #20pounds #comanchecounty #oklahoma #photography #lewishine #childlabour #childlabor
#NormaLawrence is 10 years old and picks from 100 to 1#50pounds of cotton a day. Drags the sack which often hold #50pounds or more before emptied. #LewisW.Hine. See 4569. Location: #ComancheCounty, #Oklahoma.
#Photography #LewisHine #ChildLabour #ChildLabor
#normalawrence #50pounds #lewisw #comanchecounty #oklahoma #photography #lewishine #childlabour #childlabor