Tha mi cho toilichte a bhith air ais an Glaschu an ath sheachdain airson bàrdachd is òrain Polaris a leughadh, a sheinn is a mhìneachadh beagan do Chomann Gàidhlig Ghlaschu.
Fàilte romhaibh uile!
I'm really happy to be back in Glasgow next week tor read, sing and give a little background to the poems and songs of Polaris, for Comann Gàidhlig Ghlaschu.
All welcome!
#Gaelic #Gàidhlig #Gaidhlig #Glasgow #Glaschu #ComannGàidhligGlasgow #GaelicPoetry #ScottishPoetry #ScottishLiterature
#scottishliterature #scottishpoetry #gaelicpoetry #comanngaidhligglasgow #glaschu #glasgow #gaidhlig #gaelic