Bryan Redeagle · @redeagle
231 followers · 3722 posts · Server

Taking a break from my freelance web work to look into OpenSUSE MicroOS. If I'm reading this correctly, its first-boot config system, Combustion, is pretty damn powerful. With the right set of steps, it could make MicroOS a good option for businesses.

#opensuse #microos #combustion #linux

Last updated 1 year ago

BellingenNSW · @Bellingen
113 followers · 564 posts · Server

‘Australia is sleepwalking’- managing emissions and extreme fires

“When will Australians – who live on one of the most fire-prone continents on Earth – get a grip on this escalating global problem? How many more warning signs do we need?”

“Global warming – the result of fossil fuel burning – means bushfires will become more frequent and severe. Of course, we must reduce greenhouse gas emissions. That is blindingly obvious.”

“When the bushfire royal commission handed down its report in October 2020, I described it as a “clarion call for change. Almost three years on, we haven’t seen the changes needed. We’re behaving as if we’ve got an endless amount of time. Australia is sleepwalking into our fiery future."

"It’s vital that we slash greenhouse gas emissions as quickly as possible, to stabilise Earth’s climate. But that’s not sufficient. Australians have to adapt to fire, too.”

#australia #bushfires #extremefires #blacksummer #indigenousknowledge #bushfireroyalcommission #fossilfuel #combustion #climate #biodiversity #ghg #climateaction

Last updated 1 year ago

Tim Moore · @CalNativeLandscape
50 followers · 577 posts · Server

I've come to the conclusion that is just a "free for all", a process with a lot in common with . Indeed the economy thrives on , one reason the captains of industry have spent decades fighting planning and regulations that would have dampened its worst affects. Both fire and humans consume the environment to generate heat, which in turn generates the energy to consume more of the ecosystem and leave a wasteland behind it. GDP is a measure of this energy.
We don't have to live like a species of Homo inferno. Where is that choice we are always told we have in determining our fate as a species? Collectively, not running each one Helter Skelter this way and that. Hopefully it, the choice to change the path we are on, hasn't gone up in smoke like so much else.

#capitalism #combustion #chaos

Last updated 1 year ago

BellingenNSW · @Bellingen
100 followers · 518 posts · Server

Our world-changing impact - The anthropocene
"We have become the first species in Earth’s long history to alter the functioning of the atmosphere, cryosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere and pedosphere (the soil layer) all at once and very quickly. Species such as cyanobacteria or blue-green algae had huge impact by adding oxygen to the atmosphere, but they did not affect all spheres with the speed and severity we have....Humans are not only altering the climate but the entirety of the irreplaceable envelope sustaining life on the only planet known to have life".

#climate #fossilfuels #combustion #speed #biosphere #anthropocene #atmosphere #life #climateniche

Last updated 1 year ago

Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
1271 followers · 84194 posts · Server
tomsharp · @tomsharp
89 followers · 166 posts · Server

1771-1774: Priestley, Scheele, and Lavoisier separately discovered oxygen, although only Lavoisier was not bound by phlogiston theory in explaining combustion. Oxygen: atomic number: 8; weight: 15.999; Diatomic nonmetal (

#poetry #science #history #combustion #oxygen #priestley #scheele #lavoisier

Last updated 1 year ago

pas dans l'denih · @denih87
30 followers · 151 posts · Server
Auscandoc · @auscandoc
904 followers · 7896 posts · Server

“Over the last century, the terms of these interactions have changed..In unprecedented ways the Earth had too much bad fire, too little good , and too much overall. It was not simply fire’s indirect relationship to that was upset: the whole of fire’s presence on Earth was deranged. The sum of humanity’s fire practices have overwhelmed the existing arrangement of ecological baffles and barriers. Fire is creating the conditions for more fire”

#fire #combustion #Climate

Last updated 1 year ago

beSpacific · @bespacific
898 followers · 1723 posts · Server

and from Emits and Increases Across 87 homes in CA & CO natural gas & propane combustion emitted detectable & repeatable levels of benzene that in some homes raised indoor benzene concentrations above well-established health benchmarks. Benzene produced by gas & propane stoves also migrated throughout homes.

#gas #propane #combustion #stoves #benzene #indoor #airpollution #healthcare

Last updated 1 year ago

Ricardo Harvin · @ricardoharvin
1250 followers · 9602 posts · Server

I no longer think are the most terrifying of ; not even close.

Because we have pumped so much (and ) into the , we'll be seeing more storms like this, in more places.

"This is not planet as we found it. This is a new place—a planet we have made, with an atmosphere more conducive to than at any time in the past 3 million years."

#ClimateChange #pyrotornadogenesis #pyrocumulonimbus #pyrocumulus #combustion #fire #Earth #atmosphere #methane #co2 #humans #storms #hurricanes

Last updated 1 year ago

BellingenNSW · @Bellingen
68 followers · 445 posts · Server

The time has come in to engage in the cultural tradition of pile burning.

Mostly hobby farmers on various acres collect their garden and bush cut offs and make huge piles during the season. It 'tidies up' the garden or block and makes a huge bonfire in the cool season.

The piles can be seen in most places growing meters high. In the duration of a few months many native species take them to be a good home. They move in. When the petrol and lighter ignites the heap, the panicked creatures flee their shelter. Often birds of prey, having worked out the game, circle and get a rich catch.

Many chuck in some garbage too, plastic, batteries etc. The ambient air pollution is carried far and wide and often is left unattended to smolder for hours or even days.
The pile fires of the five acre kingdoms are the equivalent of the larger version of slash and burn on larger estates.

The law, the RFS and the neighbours have to be notified of fires, just in case they get out of control, as they often do. But “out here” no one cares. The diminishes at the periphery in minds and actions. Just a bit more atmospheric pollution, a few more choking lungs full of (toxic) . A tradition worth keeping.

Notify us of your planned burn

Standards for Pile Burning

Open burning - reducing air pollution from fires

#bellingen #wildlife #law #smoke #combustion #fires #pollution #climate #pileburning #landuse #prometheus #culture

Last updated 1 year ago

BellingenNSW · @Bellingen
66 followers · 411 posts · Server

Quantifying the human cost of
"The costs of are often estimated in monetary terms, but this raises ethical issues. Here we express them in terms of numbers of people left outside the ‘human climate niche’—defined as the historically highly conserved distribution of relative human population density with respect to mean annual temperature"...

#globalwarming #climatechange #fossilfuels #combustion #unprecedentedheat #survival #justice #inequities #environmentalgovernance #humanclimateniche #home

Last updated 1 year ago

Rorshok Japan · @japan
13 followers · 56 posts · Server

from the Group of Seven countries will meet in to discuss and security. The meeting will cover several topics, including the use of , - synthetic fuels, and the use of . The and want to promote the use of electric , but Japan prefers the wider use of carbon-neutral in -engine vehicles.

#energy #ministers #sapporo #climatechange #electric #vehicles #carbon #neutral #coal #us #britain #synthetic #fuels #combustion #rorshok #rorshokjapan #japan #updates #podcast #japangram #japanlife

Last updated 2 years ago

Daniel Dvorkin · @medigoth
150 followers · 253 posts · Server

Every is dangerous, and the more powerful the tool the more dangerous it is. Of course. Is as dangerous as ? Probably not. It might be in the same league as, oh, say —and those have done a hell of a lot of damage. But they haven’t done it by ushering in the . Instead the damage is from slow, creeping, cumulative change where the effect of any one individual event is too small to measure.

So I really think the focus on world-ending scenarios takes away from the conversations we need to be having. This reminds me a lot of the simmering “how far is too far” debate, especially the kibitzing from “” with no understanding of the and an sense that isn’t nearly as developed as they think it is. There are conversations on that topic I’d like to have without the constant Greek chorus of “! ! !”

#nuclear #weapons #internal #combustion #tool #biology #ethical #frankenstein #gattaca #ai #engines #apocalypse #genetics #ethicists #jurassicpark

Last updated 2 years ago

EURACTIV · @euractiv
1983 followers · 4595 posts · Server
BellingenNSW · @Bellingen
54 followers · 258 posts · Server

’s Remorse / From the Gift of Fire to Global
“Modern humanity, according to Peter Sloterdijk, can be considered a collective of who set fires to the underground forests and moors. If Prometheus were to return to Earth today, he might regret his gift; after all, what looms is nothing less than Ekpyrosis, the demise of the world in fire. And only a new, energetic pacifism can prevent this catastrophe”.
Fire by Arcimboldo, Giuseppe, 1566 (detail)

#prometheus #arson #arsonists #technology #climate #warming #devastation #bushfires #fossilfuels #combustion #ice #acceleration #speed #ipcc

Last updated 2 years ago

EURACTIV · @euractiv
1981 followers · 4328 posts · Server

The European Commission has drafted a plan allowing sales of new cars with internal engines that run only on climate neutral e-fuels, in an attempt to resolve a spat with over the ’s phasing out of combustion engine cars from 2035. The draft proposal, seen by Reuters on Tuesday (21 March), suggests creating a new type of vehicle category in the European Union for cars that can only run on carbon neutral fuels. Such vehicles would have to…

#combustion #germany #eu

Last updated 2 years ago

Peter Schaar (en) · @PeterSchaar
294 followers · 131 posts · Server

For the guardian angel of the engine, German Transport Minister Volker , the compromise proposal of the does not go far enough. The proposal corresponds exactly to the demands of the to continue to bring such vehicles into circulation after 2035, which can drive exclusively with . Whoever wishes to understand this

#combustion #Wissing #eu #Commission #fdp #Efuel

Last updated 2 years ago

save the planet, say no to combustion!

mitch from our legal department had to be brought to "medical vacation" over this. he is being taken care of very well. (there was a row over .. what hashtags to use, ..of course)

#Porsche #fdp #lindner #eu #combustion #lobbyism #combustionban #EuropeanUnion #politics #LastGeneration #meme #mamema #memes #suv #fridaysforfuture #fff #mobility #germany #italy #czechia #poland #Bulgaria

Last updated 2 years ago

save the planet, say no to combustion!

mitch from our legal department had to be brought to "medical vacation" over this. he is being taken care of very well. (there was a row over .. what hashtags to use, ..of course)

#Porsche #fdp #lindner #eu #combustion #lobbyism #combustionban #EuropeanUnion #politics #LastGeneration #meme #mamema #memes #suv #fridaysforfuture #fff #mobility #germany #italy #czechia #poland #Bulgaria

Last updated 2 years ago