New Yorker: How “This Fool” Became the Summer’s Best Comedy #NewYorker #Culture/OnTelevision #Depression #Comedies #TVShows #Latinos
#newyorker #Culture #depression #comedies #tvshows #latinos
Ida Lupino in a scene from “Pullow to Post” (1945) — a wartime screwball comedy.
#hollywood #comedies #idalupino
Courtroom scene in the comedy, “One Rainy Afternoon” (1936). Francis Lederer with arm around Ida Lupino, while Joseph Cawthorn and Erik Rhodes look on.
#hollywood #comedies #idalupino
“Hail the Conquering Hero” (1944) — Preston Sturges’ final film in his brilliant stretch at Paramount in the early 1940s. Exquisite combination of screwball antics, biting social and political satire, sentimentality and a dash of wartime patriotism. This is Sturges at the peak of his craft.
#hollywood #comedies #prestonsturges
Comedy movies released in 2017…pick your favorite.
#loganlucky #goinginstyle #snatched #chips #movies #cinemastodon #cinema #filmastodon #comedies
A Preston Sturges classic comedy that doesn’t get the attention it deserves: “Hail the Conquering Hero” (1944)
#oldhollywood #comedies #prestonsturges
Comedy movies released in 2016…pick your favorite.
#ghostbusters #mikeanddaveneedwedding #badmoms #officechristmasparty #movies #cinemastodon #cinema #filmastodon #comedies
Comedy movies released in 2015…pick your favorite. Poll 2 of 2.
#trainwreck #pixels #aloha #hottubtimemachine2 #movies #cinemastodon #cinema #filmastodon #comedies
Comedy movies released in 2015…pick your favorite. Poll 1 of 2.
#vacation #gethard #theweddingringer #sisters #movies #cinemastodon #cinema #filmastodon #comedies
Comedy movies released in 2014…pick your favorite.
#blended #neighbors #amillionwaystodieinthewest #thegrandbudapesthotel #movies #cinemastodon #cinema #filmastodon #comedies
Comedy movies released in 2013…pick your favorite. Poll 2 of 2.
#identitythief #theincredibleburtwonderstone #lastvegas #anchorman2thelegendcontinues #movies #cinemastodon #cinema #filmastodon #comedies
Comedy movies released in 2013…pick your favorite. Poll 1 of 2.
#TheHangove PartIII
#thisistheend #grownups2 #thehangove #werethemillers #movies #cinemastodon #cinema #filmastodon #comedies
“My Favorite Blonde” (1942) had some funny bits, but overall was a disappointment as a comedy. I think Bob Hope’s was the only funny role in the film and this was far from his best material. Neither Madeleine Carroll nor the cute penguin helped in the humor department.
Gale Sondergaard and George Zucco could have been very amusing as the evil foils, but were given little to do.
Comedy movies released in 2012…pick your favorite.
#sevenpsychopaths #thisis40 #21jumpstreet #ted #movies #cinemastodon #cinema #filmastodon #comedies
Comedy movies released in 2011…pick your favorite. Poll 2 of 2.
#crazystupidlove #cedarrapids #bridesmaids #justgowithiit #movies #cinemastodon #cinema #filmastodon #comedies
Comedy movies released in 2011…pick your favorite. Poll 1 of 2.
#paul #horriblebosses #hallpass #thehangoverpartii #movies #cinemastodon #cinema #filmastodon #comedies
Comedy movies released in 2010…pick your favorite. Poll 2 of 2.
#morningglory #easya #hottubtimemachine #gethimthegreek #movies #cinemastodon #cinema #filmastodon #comedies
Comedy movies released in 2010…pick your favorite. Poll 1 of 2
#dinnerforschmucks #datenight #grownups #littlefockers #movies #cinemastodon #cinema #filmastodon #comedies
Jack Benny and Kay Francis in the cross-dressing farce, “Charley’s Aunt” (1941) — taken from a popular play written in 1892
#hollywood #comedies #jackbenny #kayfrancis
Comedy movies released in 2009…pick your favorite. Poll 2 of 2
#iloveyouman #Adventureland #funnypeople #didyouhearaboutthemorgans #movies #cinemastodon #cinema #filmastodon #comedies