On September 11, 1963, William Castle’s 13 Frightened Girls debuted in New York City. Here’s some original Kathy Dunn art to celebrate!
#13FrightenedGirls #WilliamCastle #KathyDunn #SpyFilm #ColdWarFilm #MysteryFIlm #TeenMovie #ComedyMovies #ExploitationFilm #MysteryMovies #TCMUnderground #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#13frightenedgirls #williamcastle #kathydunn #spyfilm #coldwarfilm #mysteryfilm #teenmovie #comedymovies #exploitationfilm #mysterymovies #tcmunderground #art #movieart #moviehistory
Remembering Smokey and the Bandit star and country music icon Jerry Reed on the anniversary of his death.
R.I.P. (1937 - 2008)
#RestInPeace #JerryReed #SmokeyAndTheBandit #1970s #Movies #Film #ActionMovies #ComedyMovies #CultClassics #DriveInMovies #FanArt #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#restinpeace #jerryreed #smokeyandthebandit #1970s #movies #film #actionmovies #comedymovies #cultclassics #driveinmovies #FanArt #art #movieart #moviehistory
Remembering cult cinema icon and Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory star, Gene Wilder, on the anniversary of his death.
R.I.P. (1933 - 2016)
#RestInPeace #GeneWilder #WillyWonkaAndTheChocolateFactory #Actor #CultMovies #FanArt #ComedyMovies #1970sFilm #FantasyFilm #FanArt #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory #Drawing #MovieHistory
#restinpeace #genewilder #willywonkaandthechocolatefactory #actor #cultmovies #FanArt #comedymovies #1970sfilm #fantasyfilm #art #movieart #moviehistory #drawing
On August 13, 1982, Fast Times at Ridgemont High debuted in the United States and Canada. Here’s some Spicoli art to celebrate!
#FastTimesAtRidgemontHigh #AmyHeckerling #ComingOfAgeFilm #ComedyMovie #ComedyMovies #80sMovies #StonerComedy #MovieArt #Art #ModernArt #Portrait #SeanPenn #JeffSpicoli #MovieHistory
#fasttimesatridgemonthigh #amyheckerling #comingofagefilm #comedymovie #comedymovies #80smovies #stonercomedy #movieart #art #modernart #portrait #seanpenn #jeffspicoli #moviehistory
On August 12, 1992, Wayne’s World was released on VHS in the United States Here’s some Dana Carvey art!
#WaynesWorld #PenelopeSpheeris #MikeMyers #ComedyMovies #BuddyComedyMovies #1990s #90sMovies #FanArt #Drawing #CultMovies #MovieArt #Art #Drawing #MovieHistory
#waynesworld #penelopespheeris #mikemyers #comedymovies #buddycomedymovies #1990s #90smovies #FanArt #drawing #cultmovies #movieart #art #moviehistory
On August 11, 2000, Cecil B. Demented debuted to a limited release in the United States. Here’s some Stephen Dorff fan art!
#CecilBDemented #JohnWaters #StephenDorff #ComedyMovies #Satire #BlackComedy #QueerCinema #FanArt #PopArt #Dreamlanders #Art #MovieArt #CultFIlm #MovieHistory
#cecilbdemented #johnwaters #stephendorff #comedymovies #Satire #blackcomedy #queercinema #FanArt #popart #dreamlanders #art #movieart #cultfilm #moviehistory
On August 8, 2017, Teen Wolf was released on DVD and Blu-ray by Scream! Factory. Here’s a Post-It Note sketch of Michael J. Fox to mark the occasion!
#TeenWolf #MichaelJFox #ComedyMovies #HorrorMovies #HorrorComedy #80sMovies #MonsterMovies #WerewolfArt #WerewolfMovies #Art #FanArt #MonsterVision #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#teenwolf #michaeljfox #comedymovies #horrormovies #horrorcomedy #80smovies #monstermovies #werewolfart #werewolfmovies #art #FanArt #monstervision #movieart #moviehistory
35 years ago today, Vibes debuted in American theaters. Marking the occasion with some original Jeff Goldblum and Cyndi Lauper art!
#Vibes #JeffGoldblum #CyndiLauper #ComedyMovies #1980s #TCMUnderground #StickerArt #FanArt #Drawing #Art #MovieHistory
#vibes #jeffgoldblum #cyndilauper #comedymovies #1980s #tcmunderground #stickerart #FanArt #drawing #art #moviehistory
#Bales2023FilmChallenge - August 6 - Film character is hungover
Going with The Hangover (2009), I don't know, too obvious? In any case, here's some Zach Galifianakis art for today's prompt!
#TheHangover #Art #ComedyMovies #FilmMastodon #FanArt #ZachGalifianakis
#bales2023filmchallenge #thehangover #art #comedymovies #FilmMastodon #FanArt #zachgalifianakis
On July 10, 1992, The Addams Family debuted in Egypt. Marking the occasion with some original Christopher Lloyd art!
.#TheAddamsFamily #HorrorComedy #ComedyMovies #ChristopherLloyd #HorrorArt #GothicHorror #ScrewballComedy #FanArt #1990sMovies #Art #PopArt #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#theaddamsfamily #horrorcomedy #comedymovies #christopherlloyd #horrorart #GothicHorror #screwballcomedy #FanArt #1990smovies #art #popart #movieart #moviehistory
On July 2, 1997, Kingpin was released on VHS in Finland. Here’s a drawing of Woody Harrelson to celebrate!
#Kingpin #FarrellyBrothers #ComedyMovies #SportsComedy #BuddyComedy #RoadComedy #Slapstick #90sMovies #BlackComedy ##PenDrawing #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#kingpin #farrellybrothers #comedymovies #sportscomedy #buddycomedy #roadcomedy #slapstick #90smovies #blackcomedy #pendrawing #art #movieart #moviehistory
On June 30, 2011, Back to the Future was screened at Barcelona Phenomena. Here’s some Christopher Lloyd art to celebrate!
#BackToTheFuture #ChristopherLloyd #MichaelJFox #1980s #80sMovies #ScienceFiction #ComedyMovies #FanArt #Drawing #BookArt #Drawing #FilmHistory #MovieArt #FanArt
#backtothefuture #christopherlloyd #michaeljfox #1980s #80smovies #sciencefiction #comedymovies #FanArt #drawing #bookart #filmhistory #movieart
On June 30, 2011, Back to the Future was screened at Barcelona Phenomena. Here’s some Christopher Lloyd art to celebrate!
#BackToTheFuture #ChristopherLloyd #MichaelJFox #1980s #80sMovies #ScienceFiction #ComedyMovies #FanArt #Drawing #BookArt #Drawing #FilmHistory #MovieArt #FanArt
#backtothefuture #christopherlloyd #michaeljfox #1980s #80smovies #sciencefiction #comedymovies #FanArt #drawing #bookart #filmhistory #movieart
On June 28, 2011, Uncle Buck was released on Blu-ray in the United States. Here’s a sketch of John Candy!
#UncleBuck #JohnCandy #ComedyMovies #1980sMovies #JohnHughes #ScrewballComedy #FanArt #Art #Drawing #MovieFanArt #Drawing #MovieArt #MovieHistory #Movies #1980s
#unclebuck #johncandy #comedymovies #1980smovies #JohnHughes #screwballcomedy #FanArt #art #drawing #moviefanart #movieart #moviehistory #movies #1980s
On June 26, 2018, The Producers was screened at il Cinema Ritrovato . Here’s some Gene Wilder art!
#TheProducers #MelBrooks #GeneWilder #MusicalComedy #ComedyMovies #CultCinema #Satire #BlackComedy #1960s #Musical #Art #CultCinema #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#theproducers #melbrooks #genewilder #musicalcomedy #comedymovies #cultcinema #Satire #blackcomedy #1960s #Musical #art #movieart #moviehistory
On June 26, 1991, Problem Child debuted in France. Here’s some Gilbert Gottfried art to mark the occasion!
#ProblemChild #DennisDugan #ComedyMovies #GilbertGottfried #CultMovies #90sMovies #ScrewballComedy #BlackComedy #IndieFilm #BlackAndWhiteArt #DirectoriaDebut #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#problemchild #dennisdugan #comedymovies #gilbertgottfried #cultmovies #90smovies #screwballcomedy #blackcomedy #indiefilm #blackandwhiteart #directoriadebut #art #movieart #moviehistory
On June 26, 2019 Wayne’s World was screened at the Brussels International FIlm Festival. Here’s some Mike Myers art!
#WaynesWorld #PenelopeSpheeris #MikeMyers #ComedyMovies #BuddyComedyMovies #1990s #90sMovies #FanArt #Drawing #CultMovies #MovieArt #Art #Drawing #MovieHistory
#waynesworld #penelopespheeris #mikemyers #comedymovies #buddycomedymovies #1990s #90smovies #FanArt #drawing #cultmovies #movieart #art #moviehistory
On June 25, 1992, Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey debuted in Spain. Here’s a portrait of William Sadler!
#BillAndTedsBogusJourney #WilliamSadler #ComedyMovies #FantasyComedy #1990sComedy #BuddyComedy #CultCinema #ScrewballComedy #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#billandtedsbogusjourney #williamsadler #comedymovies #fantasycomedy #1990scomedy #buddycomedy #cultcinema #screwballcomedy #art #movieart #moviehistory
On June 24, 1989, Major League debuted in japan. Here’s a portrait of Charlie Sheen as Wild Thing!
#MajorLeague #CharlieSheen #SportsComedy #Satire #ComedyMovies #80sMovies #SportsMovies #USAUpAllNight #CultCinema #Art #FanArt #Drawing #MovieArt #MovieHistory #Movies
#majorleague #charliesheen #sportscomedy #Satire #comedymovies #80smovies #sportsmovies #usaupallnight #cultcinema #art #FanArt #drawing #movieart #moviehistory #movies
On June 24, 1950, It’s a Small World debuted in the United States. Here’s some Paul Dale art to mark the occasion!
#ItsASmallWorld #WilliamCastle #PaulDale #ComedyMovies #ComedyDramaFilm #CultCinema #1950sMovies #DramaFilm #PostItArt #TCMUnderground #Art #PopArt #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#itsasmallworld #williamcastle #pauldale #comedymovies #comedydramafilm #cultcinema #1950smovies #dramafilm #postitart #tcmunderground #art #popart #movieart #moviehistory