@DenisCOVIDinfoguy @auscovid19
And yet, many members of the AMA don't bother wearing them even in patient-care settings.
This is remarkable! Why have they been keeping this secret, so-called "mask" technology from the public!?!?
@waldoj We like to make fun of the (ex?)USSR for being a kleptocracy and here we are becoming (already are?) one.
And surprise, it's all the same people in both countries!
When the "let me google that for you site" becomes useless because google has become useless, you know we are screwed.
Everything is awful and it's all getting worse.
A different story on the AP Wire has this:
``The victim was wounded by a gunshot and died at the scene, the prosecutorβs office said in a statement. ''
Like a gov't spokesperson in the US - can't ever say "the victim was shot and killed by the cop".
Do I have this right? The French gov't is dispatching 40k cops to "crack down" on protests over cops killing some kid?
#comeongiantasteroid #theendisnigh
I've read some articles about the economics related to that. We (pretty much every country) have been expecting "continuous growth forever" and now that we can't do that any more, no one seems to know what to do.
Don't you speak that way to a former President of the United States of America, young man!