Be aware, if you bank at #PacWest, #WesternAlliance, #Comerica, or #Key your bank could be the next to fall if people start pulling their money out. You should consider getting some of your money out now before there is a run on these banks.
#pacwest #westernalliance #comerica #key
Weiterer Abverkauf bei den US-#Regionalbanken.
Dritte #Bankenrettung sorgt nicht für nachhaltige Ruhe...
#PacWest: -29%
Metropolitan Bank: -27%
Western Alliance: -25%
HomeStreet: -16%
Zions: -11%
First Foundation: -10%
#Comerica: -9%
#Keycorp: -8%
#bankenkrise #borse #keycorp #comerica #pacwest #bankenrettung #regionalbanken