Jonathan Arnold · @jda
986 followers · 1599 posts · Server

Yesterday in the was okay. Of course, we had a meeting on and it was another contentious one. I just can't get thru their heads how important good logs are to solving any problems. I can't believe they put it off until release day to have a moment about it, as I've been relentless harping on it for literally years. I'm just the library guy, not the app guy and that's where it needs to be handled. I tried to maintain my cool but I wasn't 100% successful.

#saltmine #meetingfreefriday #cometojesus

Last updated 1 year ago

Josiah Mannion · @Josiah_Mannion
454 followers · 3177 posts · Server

has got some shit to answer for. Maybe all the Jesus need to have a . can moderate.

#whitejesus #cometojesus #jegaysus

Last updated 2 years ago

My Prayer!
Lord, forgive us for speaking carelessly about others to make ourselves look better.
Help us to think before we speak.
Teach us to be loving with our words.
In Jesus Name. Amen!

#forwardfaith #glorytogod #cometojesus #loveoneanotheralways

Last updated 2 years ago

Lets share the message of comfort with the suffering world. Come to Jesus, He promised to give you rest, and no one else.

#forwardfaith #cometojesus

Last updated 2 years ago

Marco V Morelli · @madrush
12 followers · 88 posts · Server

JP lays down Biblical wisdom for modern times. Pray for us sinners. I appreciate the shout-out to the freaks, queers, and artists among us. I appreciate the pathos, for is not to be taken lightly. I am looking at the man in the mirror. I am staring down the enemy, who divides me from myself and others. I am listening for the poetry in the gaps. I am holding out for higher possibilities, yet also lower ones, as another metanarrative bites the dust.

#metanoia #cometojesus

Last updated 3 years ago