The.comfrey propagation experiment is working out really well. The entire gutter was filled with fine roots with new plants emerging every week. I took 2/3 of the plants out and put them into a nook in the yard between some trees.
I gave several to friends and called it the cow manure plant after the way comfrey tea smells while fermenting. To a fertile future!
#comfrey #compost #gardening #compostadon
Being your own #amateur #herbalist means never having to wonder whether it's safe to put some kind of #salve on your itchy eyelid. When you make it yourself, you know what's in it. In this case, it's olive oil, #beeswax, #comfrey, and #chamomile. #Relief
#relief #chamomile #comfrey #beeswax #salve #herbalist #amateur
Btw, mosquito bites are instantly soothed when I apply some fresh comfrey juice. I have a bush growing in the corner of my plot. It has healing substances, like aloe. I love it.
Bees love it, too. 🌿💕🐝✨
#comfrey #bumblebee #communityGarden #mosquitoBites #medicinalHerbs
#comfrey #bumblebee #CommunityGarden #mosquitobites #medicinalherbs
I was trimming the comfrey at my community garden plot this morning, and realized one of the cut parts had a metamorphosing ladybug! So I took some home to let the bug morph.
So far, it’s the year of the ladybug for me. My plants need them for sure!
#comfrey #ladybug #ladyBeetle #metamorphosis #bugsAreCool 🧡🐞💚
#comfrey #ladybug #ladybeetle #metamorphosis #bugsarecool
There’s a large patch of #tuberous #comfrey in the #woodland. This is a very interesting plant as it was originally recorded as being native to #Scotland where it is thought to have originated as a #medicinal #plant.
Available from:
#fedigiftshop #ad #communitywoodland #plant #medicinal #scotland #woodland #comfrey #tuberous
Comfrey leaves and flowers. I love how a freshly torn comfrey leaf smells like cucumber. #Wisconsin #Mazomanie #DroughtTolerant #Comfrey #GardenersOfMastodon #PlantSmells
#plantsmells #gardenersofmastodon #comfrey #droughttolerant #mazomanie #wisconsin
Einen sonnigen Gruß an alle #Trötifantinnen¹ aus einer #blau en Ecke des #Garten s.
#Beinwell #Comfrey #Symphitum officinale #Heilpflanze #Insekten weide #Düngerpflanze
¹ generisches Femininum
#dungerpflanze #insekten #heilpflanze #symphitum #comfrey #beinwell #garten #blau #trotifantinnen
Woodlice seem to like hanging around on comfrey leaves, which is odd... #comfrey #wildlife #gardening
#Comfrey #FlowerBud emerging.
#Wsanec #Saanich #VictoriaBC #yyj #vanisle #VancouverIsland #PNW #PacificNorthwest #BritishColumbia #Canada #GardenersOfMastodon #SDFgardeners #MastodonGardeners #GrowPlantsNotHate #PlantAGarden #WhatsInMyGarden #NitrogenFixer #Beneficial #Homegrown #SelfSufficiency #medicinal #AsianMastodon #Green
#comfrey #flowerbud #wsanec #saanich #victoriabc #yyj #vanisle #vancouverisland #pnw #pacificnorthwest #britishcolumbia #canada #gardenersofmastodon #sdfgardeners #mastodongardeners #growplantsnothate #plantagarden #whatsinmygarden #nitrogenfixer #beneficial #homegrown #selfsufficiency #medicinal #asianmastodon #green
April is the month that #KiftsgateCourtGarden is closed on Thursdays so I went up to #NTHidcote nearby.
These Persian Fritillaries are striking in the wilderness area. It seems Hidcote might have an issue with 🦌 because much of their wild area planting is stuff like #Comfrey and these things that deer and rabbits leave alone.
#kiftsgatecourtgarden #nthidcote #comfrey
As with other helpful plants, it has its enemies; these are simply people who do not appreciate the work that plants do for us, and so do not offer proper respect.
#PlantLife #Comfrey
In today’s #SpringWatch observations, my first sighting of common comfrey in flower. One small patch has appeared next to a daily used path. #Wildflowers #Comfrey
#springwatch #wildflowers #comfrey
@davidpb thank you for sharing. I have never heard about #comfrey as a #fertilizer. I will grow some this year and try it.
Trying to think of some more medicinal plants I can grow here.
#Elderberry is pretty well established. Gonna take some cuttings of that here in a week or so. Been taking about 1 Tbsp of elderberry syrup every once in a while, whenever I feel like I'm coming down with something. It's worked so far.
I think the #Comfrey (Bocking 14) is established now. I put some live roots in the ground this fall and I saw a sprout in one of the spots where it was planted during this warm spell.
I put some #Ginseng seeds under some leaf mulch, hoping for the best. Who knows. I think squirrels are gonna find them though.
Haven't had luck with #yarrow yet. #Calendula got too hot that one year and kinda bleached.
It's tough. This soil is so full of clay and the weather seems to get too hot too fast.
#elderberry #comfrey #ginseng #yarrow #calendula
I am in the process of removing the bird sh*te from my website, and it involves wading through a lot of old blog posts.
This one from 2018 made me smile. It's about growing comfrey, but really it's about growing #hope. ☺️
#SolarPunk #gardening #permaculture #comfrey #OrganicGardening
#organicgardening #comfrey #permaculture #gardening #solarpunk #hope
When the rescued #bunny decides he likes fresh foods so much he won't eat pellets.
Which is fine, I don't mind giving #hay and sharing my own greens, and #foraging , even in #winter . I'll totally divide the #Comfrey in #spring and let our #Asters go wild.
But he won't drink, and I don't want him to urinate cement...
⚕️ 🐰 🐇 💨
#bunny #hay #foraging #Winter #comfrey #spring #asters #fancyproblems #petrescue #rabbits #netherlanddwarfbunny #bunnytoot
10 Ways to use #comfrey
#alternativemedicine #herb #comfrey
@crashsolo It's Comfrey (borage has blue star like flowers). The type that self-seeds can be a bit much, but you can turn it all into comfrey tea, if that's any good? Info about it here