Today's #comicbookfind isn't a #comic at all. Instead, I present a rare-VHS copy of #Marvel's X-Men: Pryde of the X-Men animated show. I remember watching this on TV as a kid. I have no idea when or where I purchased the tape. It would've had to have been late 1990s. Maybe I bought it at #Camelot back when I was going to school at #TexasTech.
#texastech #Camelot #marvel #comic #comicbookfind
Today, I wanted to share the latest #comicbookfind. Here's
#XMen #Comic 75 - "RE-ENTER THE MIMIC!"
#hankmccoy #iceman #professorx #jeangrey #cyclops #comics #comic #xmen #comicbookfind
The last couple of #comics that I found were #MarvelComics titles. Today, I wanted to give a #DCcomics shout out with a #GreenLantern 88 #comicbookfind .
#alanscott #halJordan #comicbookfind #greenlantern #dccomics #marvelcomics #comics
Yo! Yo! Yo! I know #comic people are going to dig this. Previously, I mentioned that I came across some old comics in my grandparents' belongings. I've shared a couple of cool finds. Here's the latest #comicbookfind. @marvel Defenders #1.
#hulk #incrediblehulk #drstrange #namor #comics #comicbook #defenders
#Defenders #comicbook #comics #namor #drstrange #incrediblehulk #hulk #comicbookfind #comic