How the ‘Spider-Verse’ Movies Have Changed Animation for the Better - The new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie and other C.G.I. cartoons are taking a looser,... - #teenagemutantninjaturtles:mutantmayhem(movie) #spider-man:intothespider-verse(movie) #themitchellsvsthemachines(movie) #pussinboots:thelastwish(movie) #rowejeff(filmdirector) #comicbooksandstrips #animatedfilms #nimona(movie)
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Want This Snoopy T-Shirt? You’ll Have to Pay in Blood. - The Red Cross teamed up with “Peanuts” for an April blood drive, and a T-shirt promoting ... - #comicbooksandstrips #peanuts(comicstrip) #blooddonation #socialmedia #redcross
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A New Refrain From Artists: We ‘Almost Gave Up on Instagram’ - Photographers and illustrators who once eagerly shared images of their work on Instagram ... - #videorecordingsdownloadsandstreaming #computersandtheinternet #comicbooksandstrips #mobileapplications #metaplatformsinc #culture(arts) #instagraminc #socialmedia #photography #art
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