Ive just been introduced to this excellent German Comics Studies journal. Lots of very good articles, many of them in English as well. #comics #ComicsStudies https://www.closure.uni-kiel.de/comickontext
Today, the Comics Kingdom site (a fantastic source for new and classic newspaper strips!) reprinted E.C. Segar's January 17, 1929 cartoon of Thimble Theater featuring the first appearance of Popeye. #comics #comicsstudies #newspaperstrips #popeye
#comics #comicsstudies #newspaperstrips #popeye
Lambda awards are out, so now I can say that I was on the jury in the LGBTQ+ Studies category!
I absolutely loved the winner we chose, Keeping It Unreal: Black Queer Fantasy and Superhero Comics by Darieck Scott.
Blog post here:
#Pride #Pride2023 #LambdaAwards #Lambda #Nonfiction #Academic #QueerStudies #GenderStudies #ScienceFictionStudies #Superheroes #Bookstodon @bookstodon #BlackAuthors #BlackSFF #Comics #ComicsStudies #Queer #QueerBooks
#pride #pride2023 #lambdaawards #lambda #nonfiction #academic #queerstudies #genderstudies #sciencefictionstudies #superheroes #bookstodon #blackauthors #blacksff #comics #comicsstudies #queer #queerbooks
Speaking of conferences, this year's Comic Studies Society conference is in my backyard! #comicsstudies #conference
RT Stella Wisdom
Do you enjoy reading digital comics & are you based in the UK? If so @CDPConnect
student Linda Berube may want to speak with you! To find out more read this blog post: https://blogs.bl.uk/digital-scholarship/2023/02/reading-along-with-readers-reading-digital-comics.html
Hot off the press, this volume has crossed the pond. Thank you @upmiss@twitter.com! #ComicsStudies
2022 — an informal review.
A look back at the first illustrious year of the Uncomics project, by Allan Haverholm @haverholm
#uncomics #2022inreview #podcast #anthology #artisticresearch #comicsstudies
#comicsstudies #artisticresearch #anthology #podcast #2022inreview #uncomics
"Uncomics – an artistic field where contemporary art and comics inform each other.
Where the absence of sequence encourages the reader to investigate the picture plane(s) in any direction and order, becoming an active co-creator in the process. A space outside the tedious limitations of story, where images both abstract and suggestive interact."
Read a Q&A with Uncomics project manager Allan Haverholm: https://www.naokofujimoto.com/working-on/uncomics-allan-haverholm
#uncomics #contemporaryart #comics #comicsstudies #artisticresearch
#artisticresearch #comicsstudies #comics #contemporaryart #uncomics
Uncomics ask the question posed by wordless and abstract comics — "what use is a comics theory based on literary story structure and figurative narrative?"
Instead, uncomics shifts its focus away from mainstream comic books and graphic novels toward the experimental periphery of the art form. From linear sequence to a more ambiguously threaded montage extant in the wider visual arts.
The work has begun with the Uncomics anthology and podcast: https://uncomics.org
You can find more about Uncomics on the project website, https://uncomics.org
The print anthology is 180 pages of lavish comics that defy all conventions of the form to break new ground. Buy it directly from the publisher at https://www.hybriden.se/product/cba-vol-5657-9789187825293/
Finally, the Uncomics podcast features in-depth artist talks with a dozen creatives working on the intersection between contemporary art and comics. Find it on Apple https://podcasts.apple.com/podcast/id1644341297 or Google https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly91bmNvbWljcy5vcmcvcG9kY2FzdC54bWw — though I recommend a classic RSS https://uncomics.org/podcast.xml
#uncomics #comicsstudies #artisticresearch #contemporaryart #comics
#comics #contemporaryart #artisticresearch #comicsstudies #uncomics
To start the year off I did a Q&A with Rhino Poetry editor Naoko Fujumoto about my Uncomics project.
What is Uncomics? What makes an uncomic? Who are the featured artists on the Uncomics podcast and in the print anthology?
Read on for answers 👍 https://www.naokofujimoto.com/working-on/uncomics-allan-haverholm
#uncomics #comicsstudies #artisticresearch #contemporaryart #comics
#comics #contemporaryart #artisticresearch #comicsstudies #uncomics
WORKING ON — in which Rhino Poetry editor Naoko Fujimoto picks Uncomics ringmaster @haverholm's brains:
#uncomics #comicsstudies #artisticresearch #contemporaryart #comics
#comics #contemporaryart #artisticresearch #comicsstudies #uncomics
One of the most important US comics only lasted 1 issue. Orrin Cromwell Evans, a member of NAACP, founded All Negro Comics in 1947. It featured all black writers, artists and characters. He was unable to get the newsprint to publish issue 2, and some believe other comics publishers sought to block Evans's innovation (challenge). #Comics #ComicsStudies #BlackMastodon
#BlackMastodon #comicsstudies #comics
It is often said that underground comics in the '60s created autobiographical comics, but Fay King was doing it in 1912 in the Denver Post. Her self-caricature is also believed to be the inspiration behind EC Segar's Olive Oyl. #Comics #ComicsStudies
ICYMI, see what we were up to at The Comics Grid: Journal of Comics Scholarship in 2022 https://ernestopriego.com/2022/12/22/closing-2022-at-the-comics-grid-journal-of-comics-scholarship/ @ComicsGrid@twitter.com @openlibhums@twitter.com #OpenAccess #ComicsStudies
Comics Studies is so dominated by the US narrative that Yellow Kid and his Phonogram from 1896 is widely regarded as the first comic strip and therefore the first comic, but this hides the fact that the European illustrated press had been producing recognisable comics much earlier and had been doing much more interesting things with space and page layout. This is by Fred Barnard from the Illustrated London News in 1868. #Comics #ComicsStudies #History #Media
#media #history #comicsstudies #comics
Jackie Ormes, creator of the Torchy Brown strip, is widely regarded as the first African-American woman to work in comics. She was publishing comics from 1937 to 1956. #BlackMastodon #Comics #ComicsStudies
#comicsstudies #comics #BlackMastodon
Longshot Comics vol 1 arrived in the post yesterday. Entitled The Long and Unlearned Life of Roland Gethers, it is drawn using tiny regular panels--40 per page--with characters rendered as differently sized and positioned dots. #Comics #ComicsStudies
In the midst of grading - stunned by the portfolio of an intro making comics student, who instead of giving me the digital portfolio as all do, insisted on presenting me with a physical copy - and what an absolute treat it is! She compiled all her extremely involved & impressive work over the term with each activity prefaced by an accompanying in depth reflection about its meaning to her. Such a gift to receive! #makingcomics #comicsstudies