@hakirsch For me, I used Diffusion on my Mac. After awhile, I realized that not only were some of these images horrific, they also emanated a sense of insanity. Of course, the machine learning has not learned what reality looks like, nor anything but shadows about what populates it. It has only learned how to connect words to image patterns without really understanding, for example, that an image of a horse is not a horse.
I suspect that they programmers will figure this out and fix it. At which point, artists may be out of a job because them making a living prices them out of the market.
As for your half a mouth comment, consider this cover I previously discussed.
#ai #art #writingcommunity #cominglaborapocalypse
From the Coming Labor Apocalypse filee. This will go about as well as you'd expect.
#cominglaborapocalypse #writingcommunity #writing
I'm filing this under #writingadvice and #cominglaborapocalypse.
For writers, extinct jobs (esp. lamplighters) are a great way to bring historical, fantasy, or steampunk milieus to life, i.e., provide #Verisimilitude. This video is also a reminder that progress comes at a price. Anything you do might become obsolete. Even art is in danger thanks to #AI. Not being a #Luddite here. No. There are solutions: Look up the concept of #BasicIncome and keep in mind that most of human labor is to an extent both forced and dehumanizing.
#writingadvice #cominglaborapocalypse #Verisimilitude #ai #luddite #basicincome
Can #programmers be replaced? We already know that some articles on the Internet are generated by #AI, but #developers? File this one under #cominglaborapocalypse: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-022-04383-z
#programmers #ai #developers #cominglaborapocalypse