Here is the ADORABLE cover for my upcoming YA novel, Flippin' Skaters. I am SO excited for you all to be able to read it in SIX short weeks! And guess what? Pre-orders are open!…
#yafiction #comingsoon2023 #yabooks #skatergirls #coverreveal #rollerskating
#rollerskating #coverreveal #skatergirls #yabooks #comingsoon2023 #yafiction
#upcoming #tolkien #opera #theatre #classicalmusician #operasingersofinstagram #silmarillion #thesilmarillion #lordoftherings #thelordoftherings #thehobbit #hobbit #warofwrath #eärendil #earendil #britishmusic #composer #demorecording #demorecordings #layofearendil #comingsoon2023
#upcoming #tolkien #opera #theatre #classicalmusician #operasingersofinstagram #silmarillion #thesilmarillion #lordoftherings #thelordoftherings #thehobbit #hobbit #warofwrath #earendil #britishmusic #composer #demorecording #demorecordings #layofearendil #comingsoon2023
Happy to announce that at around 01:35am this morning we gave life to our first product.
Parent and child are both doing well and getting lots of rest.
Can’t wait to share our little creation with the world in 2023.