The Orontid Dynasty (aka Eruandid or Yervanduni) succeeded the Kingdom of Urartu in ancient Armenia and ruled from the 6th to 3rd century BCE. #History #Armenia #ArmeniaTracker #Commagene
#commagene #armeniatracker #Armenia #History
Today's poem:
Epitaph of Antiochos, King of Kommagini
- by CP Cavafy
#epitaph #poetry #CPCavafy #Greek #Turkey #Commagene #mountain #NemrutDag #history
#epitaph #poetry #cpcavafy #greek #turkey #commagene #mountain #nemrutdag #history
Today's Flickr photo with the most hits: this donkey chowing down on Nemrut Dag. The photo was taken in 2006; Peter and I went to see the monumental funerary temples of Antiochus I, atop the mountain.
#nemrutdag #mountain #turkey #antiochusi #commagene #donkey