Who’s behind the "hacktivist" network Anonymous? - DW Documentary
From the description:
"The documentary is a journey into the world of Commander X, one of the most famous, feisty and outspoken figures in the history of the international online movement. Commander X is ready to tell his own remarkable story -- and reveal what lies behind not only the ‘how’, but also the ‘why’ of Anonymous' modus operandi."
#DWDocumentary #Anonymous #commanderx #history #hacktivism
📬Lesetipps: Anonymous – Hacker verhaftet, neue Generation weiterhin aktiv📬 https://tarnkappe.info/lesetipps-anonymous-hacker-verhaftet-neue-generation-weiterhin-aktiv/ #AnonymousGermany #BodoSchiffmann #ignorance.eu #Datenschutz #CommanderX #Lesetipps #Anonymous #MarkDoyon #UHW
#uhw #MarkDoyon #anonymous #lesetipps #commanderx #datenschutz #ignorance #BodoSchiffmann #AnonymousGermany
“Face of Anonymous” suspect deported from Mexico to face US hacking charges - After nearly a decade as a US expat dubbed "The Face of Anoynmous", he's back in the US f... https://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2021/06/15/face-of-anonymous-suspect-deported-from-mexico-to-face-us-hacking-charges/ #commanderx #hacktivism #law&order #anonymous #anon
#anon #anonymous #law #hacktivism #commanderx