#CommandLineHeroes #podcast episode about #JerryLawson - the video game cartridge pioneer recently eulogised via a Google Doodle.
#commandlineheroes #podcast #jerrylawson
@afb @linuxuserspace thanks, yet _another_ podcast I'm going to have to download 😂
I like #HTMLAllTheThings, #Scrimba, #CodeNewbies and have tried a few #FrontEndHappyHour, but they're a bit advanced for me. The #noDegreePodcast and #myceliumNetworkPodcast are more general tech ones. And if you want to lose several weeks, go through the (now closed) backlog of #commandlineHeroes which is fascinating and run by #RedHat
#htmlallthethings #scrimba #codenewbies #frontendhappyhour #nodegreepodcast #myceliumnetworkpodcast #commandlineheroes #redhat
If you like #FOSS this podcast series called Command Line Heroes is worth a look and maybe a listen. #Podcast #CommandLineHeroes #Linux #FOSS
#foss #podcast #commandlineheroes #linux
@mllepogany there are a lot of great podcasts done via the Twit network run by @leo which I highly recommend you checking out. #Redhat also produces a really unique podcat called #CommandLineHeroes which is great too. I'm looking forward to checking out everyone else's answers too :)
Friendly reminder that Command Line Heroes is a thing, it's absolutely spectacular, and is hosted by the one and only @saronyitbarek.
I really enjoyed the last #CommandLineHeroes episode with Steve Wozniak. That man never ceases to amaze me as a person and as an engineer. 👍 #CLH #Woz #RedHat
#commandlineheroes #clh #woz #redhat
C'est pas tout, mais petit jeu pour tester vos connaissances bash/js/python/html5 : https://www.redhat.com/en/command-line-heroes/bash/index.html :-) #RHsummit #commandlineheroes
Both caricatures done at #OpenSourceSummit EU (Prague and Edinburgh respectively). Heading to the next one in Lyon in a few days!
#osseu #OSSummit #commandlinehero #commandlineheroes
#osseu #ossummit #commandlinehero #commandlineheroes #opensourcesummit