Just published Kitten’s¹ new database² commands:
- kitten db [table name] to see info the database/a specific table
- kitten db delete [table name] to delete the database/a specific table
- kitten db tail <table name> to follow a specific table
Full docs: https://codeberg.org/kitten/app#database-commands
¹ https://codeberg.org/kitten/app
² https://codeberg.org/small-tech/jsdb
#Kitten #SmallWeb #SmallTech #JavaScriptDatabase #javascript #database #JSDB #web #dev #js #NodeJS #commandLineInterface #CLI
#kitten #SmallWeb #smalltech #JavaScriptDatabase #javascript #database #jsdb #web #dev #js #nodejs #commandlineinterface #cli
This post was also a test of the "toot" command line interface tool for Mastodon:
I installed it on my Mac using Homebrew, but I think it's installable on various Linux distros.
It's very full featured, and supporting images and alt text, e.g. Very cool!
#mastodon #commandlineinterface #cli
👀 There's more now like "programs" that do not work. I wonder what text colour would go well with a fictional computer that has a mostly red colour case as I am sure bright green doesn't 🤔.
You may need to pause the video to read some of the stuff as I did it kind of quickly.
Now to make EoX-OS a real OS like DOS... 😢
#retro #commandlineinterface #cli #coding #basic
CoreFreq Gives Peek at CPU Performance Info on Linux https://hackaday.com/2022/12/24/corefreq-gives-peek-at-cpu-performance-info-on-linux/ #commandlineinterface #performancemonitor #commandlinetools #commandline #LinuxHacks #terminal #linux
#commandlineinterface #performancemonitor #commandlinetools #commandline #LinuxHacks #terminal #linux
CoreFreq Gives Peek at CPU Performance Info on Linux - The CPU is the part of the computer that makes everything else tick. While GPUs ha... - https://hackaday.com/2022/12/24/corefreq-gives-peek-at-cpu-performance-info-on-linux/ #commandlineinterface #performancemonitor #commandlinetools #commandline #linuxhacks #terminal #linux
#linux #terminal #linuxhacks #commandline #commandlinetools #performancemonitor #commandlineinterface
La CPU è la parte del computer che fa funzionare tutto il resto. Sebbene le GPU siano diventate sempre più una parte fondamentale delle prestazioni complessive del sistema, ci ritroviamo ancora a voler sapere come sta andando la nostra CPU. CoreFreq è un nuovo strumento che mira a dirti tutto ciò ch...
#24Dicembre #LinuxHacks #commandline #commandlineinterface #commandlinetools
#commandlinetools #commandlineinterface #commandline #LinuxHacks #24dicembre
Interested in learning Data Science? Here is a collection of available digital resources to start. Pick your favorite.
#DataScience #Python #MachineLearning #OpenScience #Reproducibility #Probability #Statistics #CommandLineInterface #CLI #Datasets #Learning #Linux #ShellCommand
#shellcommand #linux #learning #datasets #cli #commandlineinterface #statistics #probability #reproducibility #openscience #machinelearning #python #datascience
Charm make free open source command line interface apps, libs and back ends. You can follow at:
➡️ @charm
Their website is at https://charm.sh
#Charm #CharmSH #CharmBracelet #CLI #CommandLineInterface #CommandLine #CommandLines #Terminal #Terminals #Programming #Computing #Dev #Software #Apps #Development #SoftwareDevelopment
#softwaredevelopment #development #apps #software #dev #computing #programming #terminals #terminal #CommandLines #commandline #commandlineinterface #cli #CharmBracelet #CharmSH #charm
And the command-line-interface alternative to my #NowStreaming utility is working fairly well now too.
#curl + #bash scripting + #jq + #Twitch #API + #owncast directory JSON feed + #FZF (#FuzzyFinder) + #mpv
#nowstreaming #curl #bash #jq #twitch #api #owncast #fzf #FuzZyFinder #mpv #cli #commandlineinterface #coding
Command line fans!
You can access Mastodon through a command line interface using the "toot" client on your computer (at https://toot.readthedocs.io/en/latest). It's currently available for Linux and BSD.
(Note that this "toot" app is nothing to do with the "Toot!" app for iPhones. They are both used to access Mastodon, and their names are similar, but they have nothing else in common.)
#MastoTips #Mastodon #CLI #Apps #Clients #CommandLine #CommandLineInterface
#commandlineinterface #commandline #clients #Apps #cli #Mastodon #MastoTips
#TodayILearned about #yq and especially #xq for parsing #YAML and #XML from the command-line as if it were #JSON parsed with #jq.
yq: Command-line YAML/XML/TOML processor - jq wrapper for YAML, XML, TOML documents by Andrey Kislyuk
#CLI #CommandLine #CommandLineInterface #terminal #tools #TIL
#todayilearned #yq #xq #yaml #xml #json #jq #cli #commandline #commandlineinterface #terminal #tools #til
Cisco Warns of High-Severity SD-WAN Flaws - The high-severity flaws exist in the products using SD-WAN software earlier than Release 19.2.2. more: https://threatpost.com/cisco-warns-of-high-severity-sd-wan-flaws/153942/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=cisco-warns-of-high-severity-sd-wan-flaws #commandlineinterface #privilegeseslcation #highseverityflaw #vulnerabilities #bufferoverflow #websecurity #ciscosd-wan #rootaccess #sd-wan #cisco #cli
#cli #cisco #sd #rootaccess #ciscosd #websecurity #bufferoverflow #vulnerabilities #highseverityflaw #privilegeseslcation #commandlineinterface