What I read in 2022
I managed (more or less) 60 books last year. More or less because I had 10 pages left of my last read of the year as the calendar clicked over.
I had 16 five star reads. My favourites of these were #Villager by #TomCox, #ThirstySea by #EricaMou, #MuscleAndMouth by #LouiseFinnigan, #BreastsAndEggs by #MiekoKawakami, and the #ShortStory collection #TheBookOfRamallah from #CommaPress.
#villager #tomcox #thirstysea #ericamou #muscleandmouth #louisefinnigan #breastsandeggs #miekokawakami #shortstory #thebookoframallah #commapress #jans2022readinglist #Books