Excellent article from Martina Devlon -absolutely the new National Children’s Hospital should be named after Dr Kathleen Lynn. Her dynamism & commitment to social justice through public heath shines though her diaries, extracts of which Harriet Wheelock of the Royal College of Physicians (RCPI) Archive & I will be publishing next year #mastodaoine #commemeratewomen #IrishWomensHistory
#mastodaoine #commemeratewomen #IrishWomensHistory
Editing an article on the 2013 Rosie Hackett Bridge Campaign this morning. It was such a well run, progressive, innovative (in its use of social media then) campaign in which I was happy to play a small part. Also great that the Rosie is now claimed by lefties for demo’s, launches etc. I was there last for the 2019 Radical Pride #claimspaces #histodons #CommemerateWomen
#claimspaces #histodons #commemeratewomen
Campaign to name the new Irish National Children’s Hospital after the great feminist, socialist, revolutionary and medic, Dr Kathleen Lynn, founder of St Ultan’s Hospital for Sick Infants. #NationalChildrensHospital #KathleenLynn #CommemerateWomen #IrishHistory #histodons #MastodaoineRecommend
#nationalchildrenshospital #kathleenlynn #commemeratewomen #irishhistory #histodons #mastodaoinerecommend
Name the new National Children’s Hospital after the great feminist, socialist, revolutionary and medic, Dr Kathleen Lynn, founder of St Ultan’s Hospital for Sick Infants. #NationalChildrensHospital #KathleenLynn #CommemerateWomen #IrishHistory #histodons
#nationalchildrenshospital #kathleenlynn #commemeratewomen #irishhistory #histodons