The Suncor refinery is going to close sometime in the next decade. And that will be a good thing. The question is if we're going to plan for and manage that closure or if folks will follow the usual climate change path of pretending it's not happening ...
"Suncor is one of the largest single-source polluters in Colorado, and for decades the refinery has released toxic chemicals into the air and water, sometimes exceeding the amounts allowed under its federal permits. Those substances include hydrogen cyanide, hydrogen sulfide and benzene — all chemicals that can make people sick with asthma and other respiratory diseases as well as cancer. In large amounts, exposure can even be fatal...
The Commerce City refinery comes under criticism because the neighborhoods surrounding it are home to many Latino and Native American families, whose complaints about Suncor’s pollution often go unheard."
#ClimateChange #Suncor #Colorado #commercecity
#ClimateChange #suncor #colorado #commercecity
3. Dans le #WashingtonPost une série d'articles exceptionnelle sur le fléau du #fentanyl aux #EtatsUnis
A lire notamment, l'affaire de #CommerceCity au #Colorado: l'overdose simultanée de 5 jeunes adultes au cours d'une soirée ?!
#washingtonpost #fentanyl #etatsunis #commercecity #Colorado