Hi folks! happy new year!
here's the newly updated commission chart for this year with some updates: sketches are now deprecated and all prices have been reworked, now being kinda cheapier + better price system for comic strips and pages.
Customers who ordered commissions before january 1 will still keep their costs. If you need more info contact me via dm here on pixiv, on baraag or gmail.
#commission_info #commission_chart #commission #the_simpsons #lakikoopax
#commission_info #commission_chart #commission #the_simpsons #lakikoopax
Hello folks!
new year just came in and i'm here to propose my new commission chart with all prices and details. i can do rough sketches again if you want. starting from now i accept only euros as currency so be careful when you pay me. Customers who ordered commissions before january 1 will keep their costs. For more info contact me via dm on pixiv, on baraag or gmail
#commission_info #commission_chart #commission #the_simpsons #the_amazing_world_of_gumball #raven #super_mario_bros #lakikoopax
#commission_chart #the_simpsons #commission_info #commission #The_Amazing_World_Of_Gumball #raven #super_mario_bros #lakikoopax
Hello people. Happy new year!
Today I'm bringing new commission chart, no more pencil skecth since theyre deprecated, lowered price for ink and color, and new comic commission I'm open to
Customers who ordered commissions before january 1 will still keep their costs.
Thank you for liking my stuff!
#commission_info #commission_table #commission #commission_chart #the_simpsons #lakikoopax
#commission_info #commission_table #commission #commission_chart #the_simpsons #lakikoopax
Hello. Today I bring you new chart for commissions. Read carefully before asking.
#commission_info #commissioninfo #commissiontable #commission_table
#commission_chart #commissionchart #commission #lisa_simpson #lisa #the_simpsons #lakikoopax
#commission_info #commissioninfo #commissiontable #commission_table #commission_chart #commissionchart #commission #lisa_simpson #lisa #the_simpsons #lakikoopax