Qu'est-ce qu'un bon #commit #Git ? via @jbuget
ICYMI: Saturday morning #NBC #News confirms: #Georgia Brian Kemp has been contacted by #special #counsel Jack Smith's office as it investigates criminal suspect Donald's efforts to overturn the 2020 election.
Brian Kemp is a fascist shill, a complete disgrace to #Georgia
These are the kind of facts that could support the 18 USC 241 deprivation of civil rights charge we're told the target letter identified. No way of knowing for certain how prosecutors might bring that charge, but trying to get state officials to change the vote for Trump is a good fit.
Further, depravation of civil rights charge could stem from trump’s public repetitive & false allegations against election workers who we already know were threatened to a point where they were receiving death threats & had to relocate for their own safety
#conspiracy & #solicitation to #commit #election #crimes #conspiracy to #defraud
#law #crime #fedilaw
#nbc #news #georgia #special #counsel #conspiracy #solicitation #commit #election #crimes #defraud #law #crime #fedilaw
Show last #Github #Commit Action + what was changed:
.then(res => res.json())
.then(res => {
const latestCommit = res[0];
const message = latestCommit.commit.message;
const date = new Date(latestCommit.commit.author.date).toLocaleDateString();
document.getElementById('message').innerHTML = `${message} - ${date}`;
<pre id="message">Loading</pre>
💥 #Git: come scrivere #commit e perché 💥
In questo articolo, vediamo alcune buone pratiche generali da adottare quando si scrive un commit con git.
Un outil sympa pour créer un graphe des commits dans le style de ce que fournit GitHub https://github.com/IonicaBizau/git-stats #git #github #statistiques #commit #opensource #npm #javascript
#javascript #npm #opensource #commit #statistiques #github #git
If your #git #repository runs #automatedTests or #linters #precommit or #prepush I WILL --no-verify that shit *everytime*
#software #programming #huskey #husky #github #commit #webdev #softwaredevelopment #testing
#testing #softwaredevelopment #webdev #commit #github #husky #huskey #programming #software #prepush #precommit #linters #automatedtests #repository #git
Cambiar la fecha de un commit usando GIT_COMMITER_DATE
#commit #committer #date #git #timemachine
Some people make a #git commit everytime they change a file; leaving a trail of "changed this file" messages.
While I understand the intuition--small #commits etc--I think it's better to #commit when you reach a point you want to come back to, or when you've accomplished some tangible goal.
This way a commit message can describe a set of changes so that a reviewer can understand their purpose.
Changes that aren't related to the goal; separate commit.
#development #software #webdev #github #commit #commits #git
Cómo auto versionar archivos en un directorio usando git, bash y crontab
#Automation #Bash #Commit #Crontab #Git #Push
#automation #bash #commit #crontab #git #push
Lien vers la vidéo « Savez-vous vraiment comment fonctionne #git ? » DEVOXX FR ajouté.
Bonne vidéo, didactique, présentation claire.
#commit #tree #hash #merge #rebase #pull #fetch #push #garbagecollection
#git #commit #tree #hash #merge #rebase #pull #fetch #push #garbagecollection
Acelerar la escritura de mensajes de commit de git desde vim
automatizando el template mediante git-commit-message definiendo prefijo
en el subject y agregando el tiempo consumido calculando la diferencia
de tiempo entre commits o desde del último journal
Is there a bot that calls out people on their bad #git #commit messages?
Not like https://latenightcommits.com/ with swearwords, but only on their absolutely unusable commit messages.
I could contribute a ton of repositories with commits as bad as hell. None of my own, of course, because I know what I am doing.
Acelerar la escritura de mensajes de commit de git desde vim
automatizando el template mediante git-commit-message definiendo prefijo
en el subject y agregando el tiempo consumido calculando la diferencia
de tiempo entre commits o desde del último journal
People who have dedicated guide to commit messages are the worst, like first I should read it entirely and learn what to write when? and then there are people who use emojis in #git #commit messages. I saw a project where the dev has added an entire table in #readme describing what emoji to use in what type of commit message. like seriously?
A bit of #aws #cli here, a bit of #jq there, and lo and behold, a guide for what your new #NFS mounts will be as your #vm moves from #onpremise to the #cloud. Oops, did I “accidentally” #commit the #script next to the #generated #markdown document in the #wiki? #sorrynotsorry
#sorrynotsorry #wiki #markdown #generated #script #commit #cloud #onpremise #vm #nfs #jq #cli #aws