This is a depressing article about self-commodification, prejudice, and narcissism among users of the AirBnB platform. However, it may have something to offer our ongoing conversations around racist and sexist abuse here on the Fedi. We, too, are a peer network, where many of us may act as hosts or guests at alternating moments. Do we have, or can we create, structural incentives directed specifically at seld-commodification that counteract the slide into abusive behaviours?
#betterfedi #commodification #abuse #reputation #sociology
@dangillmor When looking at the US health system (or should I say “health crisis”) I really fear that I see the future of our situation in Germany if we do not stop the #commodification and #financialisation of German health institutions.
#commodification #financialisation
Let’s face it, the US is Ugly. THIS is why.
The US is UGLY. How did this happen? How did we get this suburban sprawl that we all have to live with today? And what can we do to improve our communities? Turns out it's lots of money, PR, and, you guessed it, racism. Let's talk about it.
#capitalism #commodification #homogenization #sprawl #cookiecutter #suburbs #community
#capitalism #commodification #homogenization #sprawl #cookiecutter #suburbs #Community
Exploiting wo/man's best friend
"There has also been an increase in people buying cute-looking flat-faced dogs such as French bulldogs, which are often beset by health challenges. Data consistently shows Frenchie dogs and pups are the most advertised breed for sale. Sadly, it is often the RSPCA that has to step in when the inevitable costs and vet bills for these animals mount up, and the novelty wears off. Abandonment incidents reported to the RSPCA in 2022 were up by 24% on the previous year...Increased legislation has a key role to play in protecting vulnerable animals from exploitation."
#pets #dogs #puppy #PuppyMills #fashion #consumption #animal #exploitation #dysgenics #commodification #abandonment #biodiversity
#pets #dogs #puppy #puppymills #fashion #consumption #animal #exploitation #dysgenics #commodification #abandonment #biodiversity
‘Kidfluencer’ culture is harming kids in several ways – and there’s no meaningful regulation of it.
#ScreenWarehousing #Commodification #Children #Sharenting #Parenting #Privacy #Toys #SocialMedia #Literacy #Labour #Exploitation
#screenwarehousing #commodification #children #sharenting #parenting #privacy #toys #socialmedia #literacy #labour #exploitation
The commons are under threat. Commodifying information commons, such as cloud computing, undermines the potential of peer production and democratic participation. Rethinking the legal and economic frameworks governing the digital commons is essentail.
#commons #commodification #digitalrights
#commons #commodification #digitalrights
OnlineFirst - "Deviant accumulation at farmed animal sanctuaries" by Heather Rosenfeld:
#animals #commodification #decommodification #multispecies #politicaleconomy #criticalanimalstudies #animalsanctuaries
#animals #commodification #decommodification #multispecies #politicaleconomy #criticalanimalstudies #animalsanctuaries
The centre of #Athens has become a cesspit of extreme #commodification and income extraction. Every possible public space has been subjugated to this end
#athens #commodification #capitalism #urbanism #cities #politics #economy #sociology
Per una comunalizzazione del pubblico – di Carlo Vercellone, Alfonso Giuliani, Francesco Brancaccio #riformadellepensioni #FrancescoBrancaccio #NewPublicManagement #CommissioneRodotà #sovranitàstatale #AlfonsoGiuliani #CarloVercellone #commodification #EmmanuelMacron #welfarestate #proprietà #comunità #pubblico #Crinali #commons #Francia #mercato #Comune #Stato
#riformadellepensioni #FrancescoBrancaccio #NewPublicManagement #commissionerodotà #sovranitàstatale #AlfonsoGiuliani #carlovercellone #commodification #emmanuelmacron #welfarestate #proprietà #comunità #pubblico #Crinali #commons #francia #mercato #comune #stato
Is "self-discovery" #tourism a positive example of #Buddhism adapting to #modernity or a negative example of the #commodification of the #Dharma?
#dharma #commodification #modernity #buddhism #tourism
DW News
Business Beyond
Turning privacy into profit: Is data the death of democracy?
#DW #DWNews #Amazon #Apple #bigData #capitalism #capitalibanism #commerce #commodification #data #deletedData #dataBreach #democracy #disinformation #Facebook #GDPR #geolocation #Google #identify #Meta #metadata #Microsoft #predict #privacy #profit #realTimeBiddig #rtb #socialgraph #surveillance #track
#dw #dwnews #amazon #apple #bigdata #capitalism #capitalibanism #commerce #commodification #data #deleteddata #databreach #democracy #disinformation #facebook #gdpr #geolocation #google #identify #meta #metadata #microsoft #predict #privacy #profit #realtimebiddig #rtb #socialgraph #surveillance #track
Monetary valuation of nature: pragmatic conservation or unhelpful commodification? #Valuation #Nature #Conservation #Commodification
#valuation #nature #conservation #commodification
📉🚩New paper out on reforming #market instruments for #conservation at
@ConservandSoc !
🌏✨We aim for a shift in the dialogue on conservation beyond its infatuation with #commodification, towards a #postcapitalist, #natureandpeople approach.
#market #conservation #commodification #postcapitalist #natureandpeople
I title my journals based on changing themes. They provide the cornerstone for the mise en scène of my writing. A month into a new book and I’ve got nothing. So, I’m trying to define the device. Is it a #fetish, a #muse, a #MacGuffin, a #redHerring, a #philosophersStone, a #huntingBlind, an #f(x)? What device do you use to better observe the ineffable? As a quasi “throw away,” what duty have we to identify with it, serve it, thank it, or let it go? #writersBlock #themeBlock #commodification
#fetish #muse #macguffin #redherring #philosophersstone #huntingblind #f #writersblock #themeblock #commodification
#psychogeography proponents might like to hear about the new trainers that have been co-opted/commodified by #converse #patta and #experimentaljetset Guy Debord and the gang would be crying over their lovely maps if they were alive today! #urbanwalking #commodification
#psychogeography #converse #patta #experimentaljetset #urbanwalking #commodification
To Give Guidance
To Other (them)
How do we treat others when we think we won’t face consequences for it?
#innate #naturevsnurture #humannature #philosophy #animasmundi #commodification #stigma
#noobs #innate #naturevsnurture #humannature #philosophy #animasmundi #commodification #stigma
#CulturalAppropriation and #commodification go hand in hand, becauseit the culture and societies most inclined to commodify are also the ones most inclined to engage in cultural appropriation.
Thankful for any examples that prove that wrong.
Following yoga related soc. media is painful for the reason of having to witness a rise in costly retreats across the Global South; increasingly accompanied with #greenwashing, everything from "responsible" business and tourism to "green" this and that.
#CulturalAppropriation #commodification #greenwashing
Stock markets are a socially and politically acceptable global pyramid scheme.
#Capitalism #Socialism #Communism #GenerationalWealth #Stocks #StockMarket #PyramidScheme #Democracy #Politics #MediocreChad #Money #Value #WhiteSupremacy #Ponzi #Assets #Investing #Society #Culture #Market #Anarchy #Chaos #Humanity #RescueTheTruth #Commodity #Commodification #Herd #Republican #Democrat #Conservative #Liberal #Global
#capitalism #socialism #communism #generationalwealth #stocks #stockmarket #pyramidscheme #democracy #politics #mediocrechad #money #value #whitesupremacy #ponzi #assets #investing #society #culture #market #anarchy #Chaos #humanity #rescuethetruth #commodity #commodification #herd #republican #democrat #conservative #liberal #global
12 years ago in Nagoya, a sufficient number of Parties resisted the #commodification of nature.
Now at #COP15, developed and developing countries both call for the same instruments that are a threat to biodiversity and people - in the hope that it will somehow bring them money: payment for ecosystem services, biodiversity offsets and credits, etc.
And they explicitely want money
from the "private sector" and
from "philantropists" such as Bezos. As if this were magic money trees who simple give - without their own agendas, obligations to shareholders etc.
COP15 feels like it's the end of the road, the end of a good tool that we have, but that now has been coopted beyond recognition.
Animals Matter: Resistance and Transformation in Animal Commodification In this book, we reclaim the term “resistance” by exploring how animals can “resist” their commodification through blocking and allowing human intervention in their lives. In the cases explored in this volume, animals lead humans to rethink their relationship to animals by either blocking and/or allowing human commodification. #AnimalRights #Sentient #Beings #Commodification #Ethics #AnimalWelfare
#animalrights #sentient #beings #commodification #ethics #AnimalWelfare