Leisureguy · @Leisureguy
276 followers · 2153 posts · Server mstdn.party

What the Fediverse Does(n't) Solve

Cory Doctorow's piece in Medium that traces some of the history of the internet to layout the cyclic pattern of community building, commodification, and enshittification, is well worth reading.

I found it via a link in a post on Mastodon, and I'm linking to it again, because I think it's very much worth reading.


#Internet #community #monetization #commodifying #capitalism #fediverse #mastodon #twitter

Last updated 2 years ago

Jumbo · @jumbo
167 followers · 2210 posts · Server mas.to

Everyone about the needs to remember was 'hard' at first. It got easy because you learned it. This will get easier too.

Also you were trained to think being manipulated & , often by bots, was normal. You were trained to think & every online encounter was normal. It is not.

Now you need to learn to socialise with others w/o asking to be paid for it or holding up begging notices 'will eat dirt for likes'.

#monetising #commodifying #attention_raped #Twitter #learningcurve #Mastodon #bellyaching

Last updated 2 years ago

david lidz · @davidlidz
24 followers · 45 posts · Server mastodon.sdf.org

Part 3:

You probably don't think much about what happens to a after the bank boots the family.

There is a whole industry there, managing , a dark niche of US finance that cares little about anything except cooking & a basic human need.Certainly didn't care about my Judiciary Case Search appearances. Nope, these cats were happy to pay me shitty wages to trash-out & rekey their .

#introduction #thedarkside #foreclosure #vacants #housing #balancesheets #commodifying #maryland #distressedassets

Last updated 2 years ago