All fixed up! From trash to treasure with this breadbin C64. This has been a most satisfying repair. New RAM and a KERNAL ROM replacement. Keys and case washed.
#Commodore64 #Commodore64Forever #RetroGaming #RetroComputing #C64 #RetroComputers #8BitComputing
#commodore64 #commodore64forever #retrogaming #retrocomputing #c64 #retrocomputers #8bitcomputing
I decided this morning I would test the #Commodore64 I got the other day and see what condition it's in. The case is in good shape. Powering the system on gave me a power LED, but no video. After putting in the deadtest cart and wiggling the switch I got a black screen, but no test screen or flashes.
The case screws are worn and after taking off the cardboard RF shield it's even more evident that someone has been inside. A couple of the failure-prone MT 4264 RAM chips have been replaced with 4164 and 8264 chips. Only one RAM chip is socketed.
I noticed U4 KERNAL ROM was getting hot, so I removed it and got a 5 flashes l, but also 2 flashes from the deadtest cart.
To do:
* Remove RAM
* Install sockets for RAM
* Install new RAM and run dead test/diag
* Replace faulty KERNAL ROM
* Bath time for case
#Commodore64Forever #retroComputing #electronics #8bit #8bitMicro #8bitComputer
#commodore64 #commodore64forever #retrocomputing #electronics #8bit #8bitmicro #8bitcomputer
Today's #retroComputer haul. A #Commodore16 and a "breadbin" #Commodore64. I haven't tried to power them on yet. I'm wondering if I should make a video or at least take some photos of the restoration. I've had (terrible) luck with the last few #retroComputers I've acquired working 100% correctly (not counting the RIFA caps in the BBC and IIe machines). Maybe I'll have to get the soldering iron out!
#Commodore64Forever #retroComputing #electronics #8bit #8bitMicro #8bitComputer
#retrocomputer #commodore16 #commodore64 #retrocomputers #commodore64forever #retrocomputing #electronics #8bit #8bitmicro #8bitcomputer