Attack of the PETSCII Robots… Para MSX?
#MundoRetro #AppleII #CommanderX16 #Commodore #Commodore128 #Commodore64 #CommodoreAmiga #CommodorePET #CommodoreVIC20 #DavidMurray #jogo #MegaDrive #MSDOS #MSX #NES #port #PSP #REU #SNES #The8bitGuy #V9990 #videogame #ZXSpectrum
#zxspectrum #videogame #v9990 #the8bitguy #snes #reu #psp #port #nes #msx #msdos #megadrive #jogo #davidmurray #commodorevic20 #commodorepet #commodoreamiga #commodore64 #commodore128 #commodore #commanderx16 #appleii #mundoretro
Thank you Mr Shatnar, very cool. I prefer the VIC-20 over the Commosore 64 anyway
#Commodore #CommodoreVIC20 #Commodore64 #Coloured #1980s #Ad #Retro #RetroComputing #RetroComputer #VintageComputer
#vintagecomputer #retrocomputer #retrocomputing #retro #ad #1980s #coloured #commodore64 #commodorevic20 #commodore
I inherited one of these to mess around with from an older sibling when they upgraded...
#CommodoreVic20 around about the VERY late 80's early 90's lol.... Attached it to the TV in my bedroom!... Used to take forever for games to load (One took 18minutes!)
Came with a big box of games (both cassette and cartridge!) and books on programming your own! (Which took forever to copy and type out!).
Still have it somewhere in storage!
@jayfajardo nice! I’m pretty sure that’s the year I was given the #CommodoreVic20
Don’t tell anyone I admitted any of. I refuse to admit I was around then😜
Happy Retro-Xmas ! #commodore64 #atari2600 #commodorevic20
#commodore64 #atari2600 #commodorevic20
I'm in a #RetroGaming kind of mood while at work today.
What's everyone's first gaming memory?
Mine is playing Race on the computing powerhouse that was the #CommodoreVIC20
#RetroGaming #commodorevic20 #videogames #80s
#Vic20 #CommodoreVic20 #Vic1001 #CBM #C64 #Commodore64 #RetroComputing #RetroComputers #8Bit
#8bit #retrocomputers #retrocomputing #commodore64 #c64 #cbm #vic1001 #commodorevic20 #vic20 #history #vixen #commodore
@jon I got a #CommodoreVIC20 in about 1992. It was hooked up to a black and white TV which used a dial to tune in 📺
I mostly played and coded games on it, copying the code from any Commodore magazine I could get my hands on.
Shortly after that, my brother got a #SegaMegaDrive but it was a rare occasion to be allowed to play on his console. 😅
Circa 1995 we got our first Windows PC on finance. It was a big purchase for our poor family. I loved it so much, though.
#commodorevic20 #segamegadrive
@haller sotto al mio post su #Rodman per #commodorevic20 parlava del gioco Snake e mi ha fatto venire in mente Nibbler, un gioco sviluppato nel 2019 sempre per il #vic20 con dei quadri fighissimi e che cambiano colore man mano che si passa avanti di livello.
Mi ci sono messa a giocare ora (da #nerd quale sono 😂), super consigliato!!! 👾
#retro #retrogaming #retrogames #gaming #videogames #commodore
#commodore #videogames #gaming #retrogames #retrogaming #retro #nerd #vic20 #commodorevic20 #rodman #16novembre
@haller sotto al mio post su #Rodman per #commodorevic20 parlava del gioco Snake e mi ha fatto venire in mente Nibbler, un gioco sviluppato nel 2019 sempre per il #vic20 con dei quadri fighissimi e che cambiano colore man mano che si passa avanti di livello.
Mi ci sono messa a giocare ora (da #nerd quale sono 😂), super consigliato!!! 👾
#retro #retrogaming #retrogames #gaming #videogames #commodore
#16novembre #rodman #commodorevic20 #vic20 #nerd #retro #retrogaming #retrogames #gaming #videogames #commodore
Are you keeping up with #Commodore ?
#8bit #commodorevic20 #vic20 #commodore64 #c64 #cbm #commodore
RT @Jooss_Antoni
Testing my latest game for my #Commodore #Vic20 I can't stop playing, it's very addictive! Thanks @Hewco64 @futurewas8bit #Cheesytrials #CommodoreVic20
#commodore #vic20 #Cheesytrials #commodorevic20
Lovely look at the VIC-20's hardware and software. It includes a look at it's memory map and how it changes depending on how much memory is added by the add-on cartridges.
#RetroComputing #Computers #Commodore #CommodoreVic20 #VintageComputers
#commodore #vintagecomputers #retrocomputing #computers #commodorevic20
OldComputr on Andrew Colin (1936-2018), familiar to fans of Commodore computers as the the author of the “An Introduction to BASIC” guides.
#ComputerHistory #RetroComputing #Authors #Books #Programming #BASIC #Commodore #CommodoreVic20 #Computers
#computerhistory #retrocomputing #authors #basic #commodorevic20 #computers #books #programming #commodore