In "Leverage Points" Donella Meadows ranks the ways of driving change in a system, from least to most effective. "Power has less to do with pushing leverage points than it does with strategically, profoundly, madly letting go" #systemdynamics #systemsthinking #leveragepoints #donellameadows #MIT #fifthdiscipline #change #systemchange #climatechange #commonearth #ecodharma
#systemdynamics #systemsthinking #leveragepoints #donellameadows #mit #fifthdiscipline #change #systemchange #climatechange #commonEarth #ecodharma
@mattcropp @loppear @LeoSammallahti #skyTrust! Although I might want to broaden the scope... perhaps #commonEarth?
Solving 'the tragedy of the commons' at the global level seems to be the defining challenge-of-our-time. Sadly the Ostroms are no longer with us.
A global commons would essentially be a global govt., and that seems tricky/dangerous.
I see a global federation as more achievable, with unionized tariffing against dissenters for economic losses 🤷