Help America's #StateDept find a new #commonEnemy post-#islamaphobia, post-#COVID, post-#brexit, #terror, #trump, #russiagate, #WMDs, #communism, #warOnDrugs and #Afghanistan…
Be the threat to #corporateFascists you want to see in the world.
Be a #saver.
#warOnSavers #bitcoin #runAFullNode #useI2P #useTor #osamaBitLaden #osaverBitLaden
#statedept #commonEnemy #islamaphobia #covid #brexit #terror #trump #russiagate #WMDs #communism #warondrugs #afghanistan #corporateFascists #saver #warOnSavers #bitcoin #runAFullNode #usei2p #usetor #osamaBitLaden #osaverBitLaden
@seasharp @orekix @mlg
Our efforts seem to be paying off. They are getting shrill and are having to revive #racist old #YellowPeril tropes, to give us a #commonEnemy so we will slave away and sacrifice ourselves for the #neoFeudalists.
Its of vital importance that we remain polite, courteous and nonViolent at all times while we help others #GetNEOed.
#racist #YellowPeril #commonEnemy #neoFeudalists #getNEOed