#Common_Lisp Shirakumo/glfw: An up-to-date Common Lisp bindings library to the most recent GLFW OpenGL context management library... | http://redd.it/16fat1u
#Common_Lisp "cl-gtk4 combines strength of GTK and Common Lisp interactive development." [short screencast] | http://redd.it/16f8bvu
#Common_Lisp cl-transducers 1.0 - operating over and into plists, hash-tables, CSV | http://redd.it/16e8nj3
#Common_Lisp Trivial Toplevel Prompt: Portability library to customize CL implementations' REPL prompt. | http://redd.it/16e7s1h
#Common_Lisp Experiment: Macro to transform simple self-recursive functions to primitive loops | http://redd.it/16e1s3t
#Common_Lisp ECL FFI: Eval load-foreign-library before load in same file? | http://redd.it/16cinkr
#Common_Lisp Question on handling data with real numbers (not floats) | http://redd.it/169xx54
#Common_Lisp endatabas | SQL Document Database with Full History - written in Rust + Common Lisp | http://redd.it/16578my
#Common_Lisp portable hash tables allowing user-defined test functions | http://redd.it/1651v1e
#Common_Lisp Trying to create a simple CI app with tests to run on windows10 and GitHubActions. | http://redd.it/162lwrv
#Common_Lisp URL shortener using Hunchentoot and BKNR | http://redd.it/16191qk
#Common_Lisp Is Hyperspec really incosistent sometimes, or is it just me (find-symbol 'CAR)? | http://redd.it/160ww0w
#Common_Lisp Seeking CL code to emulate Clojure 'source' macro. | http://redd.it/160g5zc