I’ve predicted we'd see these kind of inconsistencies before—e.g., with the South Carolina abortion-speech bill. But I'd assumed the inconsistencies would run across state lines; we're pretty far along in the speedrun to have a single state with directly inconsistent carriage and filtering obligations in its own laws. Of course, they'll just reconcile it by interpreting this bill as an abortion carveout to the bill.


Last updated 2 years ago

You might wonder how a proposed Texas law requiring ISPs to block abortion websites is consistent with Texas’s law for social media sites, and part of the answer is that the social media law specifically exempts ISPs. The other part of the answer is that on a long enough political time horizon there is no inconsistency or hypocrisy between simultaneous filtering and carriage mandates because the endgame is fascistic control of speech. arstechnica.com/tech-policy/20


Last updated 2 years ago

Interrupting your programming to report that Uncommon Carriage, my piece on the history of and its likely role in the next season of SCOTUS Internet Law Adventures, will be appearing in the next volume of the Stanford Law Review! Indebted and grateful to a bunch of folks for helpful conversations, feedback, and support, including Mastadonians @daphnehk @evelyndouek @AnnemarieBridy @tnarecha @arozenshtein @Margotkaminski @jkosseff @marklemley papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cf

#section230 #commoncarriage

Last updated 2 years ago

Blake E. Reid🥫🏁 · @blakereid
1659 followers · 108 posts · Server mastodon.lawprofs.org

Happy to report that my newly revised Uncommon Carriage piece is out on SSRN with bonus DLC treatment of the Fifth Circuit's bizarre treatment of doctrine and what it means for the upcoming apocalypse! Coming (hopefully) soon to a review near you! (H/T @marklemley for the fun new title!) papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cf

#commoncarriage #SupremeCourt #netchoice #firstamendment #law

Last updated 2 years ago