‘Wrong and Frightening’: Alito Claims Congress Can’t Regulate SCOTUS — “What a surprise, guy who is supposed to enforce checks and balances thinks checks shouldn’t apply to him,” said Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
#AlitoCongressRegulate #ChecksAndBalances #SupremeCourt #WrongAndFrightening #AlexandriaOcasioCortez #CommonDreams #Politics #News
#alitocongressregulate #checksandbalances #supremecourt #wrongandfrightening #alexandriaocasiocortez #commondreams #politics #news
'Time to Ground These Fat Cats': Markey Proposes Tax Hike on Private Jet Travel | "Billionaires and the ultra-wealthy are getting a bargain, paying less in taxes each year to fly private and contribute more pollution than millions of drivers combined on the roads below."
#CommonDreams #TaxHike #PrivateJetTravel #Billionaires #UltraWealthy #Pollution #Politics #News
#commondreams #taxhike #privatejettravel #billionaires #ultrawealthy #pollution #politics #news
Ocasio-Cortez Rallies With Teamsters and Rips UPS Greed as Historic Strike Looms — "Let's remind them who's actually the boss in this, and that's the workers."
#CommonDreams #OcasioCortez #Teamsters #UPS #Strike #Workers #Politics #News
#commondreams #ocasiocortez #teamsters #ups #strike #workers #politics #news
Dwight Was Right: Congress Must Say No to Military Contractors — The world Eisenhower warned about has materialized. We need more members of Congress to stand up to the arms industry and fight for social investments instead.
#CommonDreams #Congress #MilitaryContractors #ArmsIndustry #SocialInvestments #PentagonBudget #Politics #News
#commondreams #congress #militaryContractors #armsindustry #socialinvestments #pentagonbudget #politics #news
Dems' Wealth Tax Bill Would Extend Social Security Solvency by 75+ Years
#WealthTaxBill #SocialSecuritySolvency #Dems #75plusYears #News #CommonDreams #Politics #News
#wealthtaxbill #socialsecuritysolvency #dems #75plusyears #news #commondreams #politics
Petition Demands Alito Recuse From Student Debt Cases Tied to Billionaire Benefactor
#CommonDreams #AlitoRecuse #StudentDebtCases #BillionaireBenefactor #JudicialEthics #ConflictOfInterest #Politics #News
#commondreams #alitorecuse #studentdebtcases #billionairebenefactor #judicialethics #conflictofinterest #politics #news
Televize Trump’s Criminal Trial for All the World to See — It’s an historic milestone for both the presidency and our criminal justice system, and the American public deserves to watch it on television, live and in real time.
#CommonDreams #TrumpTrialTelevised #PresidentialHistory #CriminalJusticeSystem #LiveAndRealTime #AmericanPublicDeserves #Politics #News
#commondreams #trumptrialtelevised #presidentialhistory #criminaljusticesystem #liveandrealtime #americanpublicdeserves #politics #news
Sanders Unveils Bill to Force Pentagon to Pass an Audit—or Return Part of Its Budget | “The Pentagon and the military-industrial complex have been plagued by a massive amount of waste, fraud, and financial mismanagement for decades. That is absolutely unacceptable.”
#CommonDreams #SandersAuditBill #PentagonAudit #MilitaryWaste #FinancialMismanagement #BudgetAccountability #Politics #News
#commondreams #sandersauditbill #pentagonaudit #militarywaste #financialmismanagement #budgetaccountability #politics #news
'Shady and Corrupt': Add Barrett Real Estate De al to List of Supreme Court Ethics Scandals - The right-wing justice sold a home to a religious freedom group that has filed numerous briefs in cases before the court.
#CommonDreams #BarrettRealEstateDeal #SupremeCourtEthicsScandals #ReligiousFreedomGroup #CorruptJusticeSystem #ConflictOfInterest #Politics #News
#commondreams #barrettrealestatedeal #supremecourtethicsscandals #religiousfreedomgroup #corruptjusticesystem #conflictofinterest #politics #news
DeSantis Anti-Immigrant Law Sparks Mass Worker Exodus in Florida — "How can one man pass one law and destroy all these businesses in Florida?" asked a lifelong Republican who owns a tomato packing company.
#CommonDreams #DeSantisImmigrationLaw #FloridaWorkerExodus #AntiImmigrantPolicy #BusinessImpact #RepublicanConcerns #Politics #News
#commondreams #desantisimmigrationlaw #floridaworkerexodus #antiimmigrantpolicy #businessimpact #republicanconcerns #politics #news
Free Press Advocates Slam 'Blatantly Unconstitutional' Conviction of North Carolina Reporters
In police bodycam footage of the incident, one APD officer can be heard discussing arresting the reporters "because they're videotaping."
The police state despises people knowing what they do. #ACAB #FuckThePigs #CommonDreams
#acab #fuckthepigs #commondreams
House GOP Panel Releases Budget That Would 'Destroy Social Security as We Know It'
#CommonDreams #GOPBudget #SocialSecurity #BudgetCuts #Retirement #EconomicSecurity #Politics #News
#commondreams #gopbudget #socialsecurity #budgetcuts #retirement #economicsecurity #politics #news
New GOP Bills Would Hand Richest 1% Over $28 Billion in Tax Cuts Next Year
#CommonDreams #GOPtaxCuts #wealthinequality #taxreform #economicjustice #incomegap #Politics #News
#commondreams #goptaxcuts #wealthinequality #taxreform #economicjustice #incomegap #politics #news
An appeal to the world about giving peace a chance for once
#Peace #War #Ukraine #CommonDreams
#peace #war #ukraine #commondreams
250,000 Floridians Get Kicked Off Medicaid as DeSantis Rakes in Big Donor Cash
#CommonDreams #FloridaMedicaidCuts #DeSantisDonorScandal #HealthcareInequality #PoliticalCorruption #PublicHealthCrisis #Politics #News
#commondreams #floridamedicaidcuts #desantisdonorscandal #healthcareinequality #politicalcorruption #publichealthcrisis #politics #news
When 3 Men Richer Than 165 Million People, Sanders Says Working Class Must 'Come Together'
#CommonDreams #IncomeInequality #BernieSanders #WorkingClass #EconomicJustice #WealthGap #Politics #News
#commondreams #incomeinequality #berniesanders #workingclass #economicjustice #wealthgap #politics #news
'Give Me a Goddamn Break': House Democrat Slams Food Aid Cuts as Pentagon Budget Soars — "I didn't come to Congress to hurt people," said Rep. Jim McGovern. "And when I listen to my Republican friends, what is clear to me is that we don't share the same values."
#CommonDreams #FoodAidCuts #PentagonBudget #HouseDemocrat #RepublicanValues #JimMcGovern #Politics #News
#commondreams #foodaidcuts #pentagonbudget #housedemocrat #republicanvalues #jimmcgovern #politics #news
Texas GOP Passes Bills Allowing Abbott Appointee to Take Over Democratic County's Elections. "These bills are not about election reform," said one Harris County official. "They are entirely about suppressing voters' voices."
#CommonDreams #TexasGOP #VoterSuppression #HarrisCounty #ElectionTakeover #AbbottAppointee #Politics #News
#commondreams #texasgop #votersuppression #harriscounty #electiontakeover #abbottappointee #politics #news
Henry Kissinger: A War Criminal Who Has Not Once Faced the Bar of Justice
Kissinger took a passionate, personal interest in promoting despotic governments throughout the globe.
#WarCriminal #HenryKissinger #Kissinger #CommonDreams
#commondreams #kissinger #henrykissinger #warcriminal
Progressives Condemn Biden-GOP Debt Ceiling Deal as 'Cruel and Shortsighted' — "For no real reason at all, hungry people are set to lose food while tax cheats get a free pass."
#CommonDreams #DebtCeilingDeal #ProgressiveCriticism #FoodAssistanceCuts #TaxEvasion #ShortsightedPolicy #Politics #News
#commondreams #debtceilingdeal #progressivecriticism #foodassistancecuts #taxevasion #shortsightedpolicy #politics #news