My friends the wild #gowerponies have come to visit me. These ponies roam freely on #gowerpeninsula and are owned by #commoners who have grazing rights for their animals. Their cows also roam freely.
Each Summer they face the threat of being mowed down by speeding motorists when the tourists hit Gower.
The tourists don't know that if you ask them nicely they will move off the road so that vehicles can pass.
#countrylife #moorlandliving
#moorlandliving #countrylife #commoners #gowerpeninsula #gowerponies
Slow Fashion
In Ask Metafilter, iamsuper would like to know, How unfashionable were the medieval poor? "How fast did fashion spread in, say, medieval times, or Tudor times? Would people living in remote areas perhaps be wearing clothes that were 100 years or more out of fashion? Or would fashions evolve at similar speeds to today?"
#fashion #history #peasants #commoners #medieval #MedievalFashion #style #clothing
#fashion #history #peasants #commoners #medieval #medievalfashion #style #clothing
Et hop ! Le déménagement de mon compte vers la nouvelle instance est réalisé ! 😊
Cette instance pour les #communs #commoners est encore en cours de peaufinage (et en v3.5.5 pour l'instant) mais si vous avez envie d'y créer un compte pour nous aider à finir les travaux, vous pouvez me faire signe dès maintenant 👋
I was wondering why there was a rebound of interest in my December post about #righttoroam and could only guess it was because the Court had deliberated on #Dartmoor #wildcamping. So they have. And gave reason to #hedgefund manager rather than to #commoners' #accessibility to #nature. Join the fightback, Right to Roam unfortunately not on Mastodon but very active on Instagram.
#RightToRoam #dartmoor #wildcamping #hedgefund #commoners #accessibility #nature
How is this man not in jail yet? Can you imagine what would happen to one of us #commoners if we're even as much as suspected to have done this crap?
#commoners #classified #documents #trump
Les (biens) communs, le numérique & la culture : une exploration personnelle des #communs
✅ cultures / logiciels / licences libres
✅ changements de modèle politique & condition du service public
✅ transformations du modèle de production
✅ transitions & condition de la sobriété écologique
✅ dynamiques de coopération & soin
#commons #commoners #commoning #licencesLibres #openGLAM #openContent #openSource
#communs #commons #commoners #commoning #licenceslibres #openglam #opencontent #opensource
The Commoners – Find A Better Way
#recensies #rockportaal #commoners
I pilastri sui quali si fondano le Istituzioni del Comune (soggettività [povertà] e potenza [amore]) – di PierLuigi Vattimo #Comune,reddito,moneta #Istituzionidelcomune #homepage-feature #PierluigiVattimo #Hardt-Negri #Commoners #MarcoFama #usocivico #povertà #Napoli #amore #Skipa
#Skipa #amore #napoli #povertà #usocivico #MarcoFama #commoners #hardt #PierluigiVattimo #homepage #Istituzionidelcomune #comune
"communities that people may not have heard of"... many of them are #commoners ; stewards of the #commons made invisible by the system but keeping all of us alive
RT @vanessa_vash
I believe that we need to speak out — to break the silence. I see my task as drawing attention to communities that people may not have heard of, where lives are being upended and lost on a daily basis. I’m on the cover of @TIME Magazine #UprootTheSystem
#commoners #commons #uprootthesystem
Atelier @la_bulloterie pendant les journées pour une europe créative #commoners
OSCAL 2018.
Open Source Free Software Conference in Albania.
Dedicated to empowering software freedom, open knowledge, free culture and decentralization.
This premium open source event will be held on 19-20 May 2018 in Tirana. Registration for the event is now open.
Tickets range from FREE to all access & goodies included Mega Supporter (40€).
#OSCAL #OSCAL2018 #Albania #Tirana #OpenSource #Linux #conference #nerds #commoners #May
#oscal #oscal2018 #albania #tirana #opensource #linux #conference #nerds #commoners #may
Attention all #commoners - Commons Transition Wiki.
I am actually salivating 🤤 with joy 🎊
#commons #governance #policy #institutions #platformCoop #commonsTransition
#commoners #commons #governance #policy #institutions #platformcoop #commonstransition