Robert Reich is doing a series on Fridays about the common good. Today's is worth a read.
Nice to see the project featured in Data Is Plural
“Reading ‘Tyranny, Inc.,’ I kept wondering how Ahmari had gone from conservative cultural crusader to genuine economic populist and, more important, whether any other social traditionalists could make the same leap.”
Question and Answer with the Viewers. Always More. Never Ends While the Enemy Exists!
You know you are on target when get the joke hour
posts sent by FBI and Hasbara.
#WhiteHistory #DefendEurope #DefendEuropa #EthnoCommunity
#EthnoState #WhiteIdentity #Whites #WhiteMajority #Nations #Folk #People #WesternMan #WesternPride #EuroAmericans
#Home #Hearth #Heritage #Community #CommonGood #WhiteSurvival #Family #fatherhood #motherhood #cleanstreets #goodjobs
#whiteculture #whitehistory #defendeurope #defendeuropa #ethnocommunity #ethnostate #whiteidentity #whites #whitemajority #nations #folk #people #westernman #westernpride #euroamericans #home #hearth #heritage #community #commongood #whitesurvival #family #fatherhood #motherhood #cleanstreets #goodjobs
An excellent essay by Robert Reich about how Ayn Rand's attack on the idea of the common good has become, from Reagan to Trump, the foundation of "conservative" politics in the US, and how this philosophy undermines the very basis of American democracy with its notion of the common good.
#AynRand #Trump #Reagan #Republicans #CommonGood
#aynrand #trump #reagan #republicans #commongood
Robert Reich
#DonaldTrump and Ayn Rand
Chapter 2 of The Common Good
The idea of “the common good” was once widely understood and accepted in America. After all, the U.S. Constitution was designed for “We the people” seeking to “promote the general welfare” — not for “me the selfish jerk seeking as much wealth and power as possible.”
What happened? One clue is found in the writings of writer-philosopher #AynRand who argued that the #CommonGood
was bunk.
#philosophy #commongood #aynrand #donaldtrump
Listen: even if we disagree, I still think you should have food, water, shelter and medical care.
You want ethical alternatives? Let’s build a campus where folks can work on them without worrying about how to exist day-to-day (or fund their early-stage development like VC does for surveillance capitalism).
The extent of what public funding is doing today is “Oh, looks like you’ve got some alternative functional, let’s pay you to add Feature X to it.”
Better than nothing?
Best we can do?
Not by a longshot.
#eu #tech #alternatives #notforprofit #commongood
Having access to green spaces is a basic human right, even if rich land owners don't want the public to access their large estates - land that years of crony capitalism has privatised for the privileged rich minority.
Minister ‘gave Parliament false answer’ about landowner lobbying
Exclusive: Defra minister Richard Benyon lies.
#CronyCapitalism #elitism #corruption
#CommonGood #land #health #RightToRoam #UK #footpath #walking #nature #wildlife
#cronycapitalism #elitism #corruption #commongood #land #health #righttoroam #uk #footpath #walking #nature #wildlife
Having access to green spaces is a basic human right, even if rich land owners don't want the publics access to access their large estates - land that years of crony capitalism has privatised for the privileged rich minority.
Minister ‘gave Parliament false answer’ about landowner lobbying
Exclusive: Defra minister Richard Benyon lies.
#CronyCapitalism #elitism #corruption
#CommonGood #land #health #RightToRoam #UK #footpath #walking #nature #wildlife
#cronycapitalism #elitism #corruption #commongood #land #health #righttoroam #uk #footpath #walking #nature #wildlife
A quotation from Brandeis, Louis:
What are the American ideals? They are the development of the individual for his own and the common good; the development of the individual through liberty, and the attainment of the common good through democracy and social justice.
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #America #commongood #democracy #ideals #individual #justice #liberty #patriotism #social
#quote #quotes #quotation #america #commongood #democracy #ideals #individual #justice #liberty #patriotism #social
Could #ActivityPub be graded as a "#CommonGood", so that it could not get changed, e.g. by a sole #company, for their own good?
#activitypub #commongood #company
@fluffgar @LordWoolamaloo @moh_kohn
Drivers tests don't test for arrogance or brutality. If they did, there'd be fewer, but better drivers.
My councillor blog: Year 2, Week 4
Using Common Good assets, Councillors’ expenses, Common Good Fund Project Officer, beach disabled access ...
The case for change isn't compelling, but change might be forced on us anyway. It seems to me that the monarchy/GG arrangement last worked as intended while Menzies was PM. Since then, our system of government has grown increasingly dysfunctional. That's largely down to declining political ethics. With John Howard, we really hit the skids.
The stability of a single monarch for seven decades shielded us somewhat. That's gone now and I doubt that Charles will hold it together.
So where to from here? How do we build effective leadership from an increasingly untrustworthy mob of politicians?
I reckon we'll need some mighty robust anti-corruption mechanisms.
To round off an otherwise too negative post:
#Auspol #Republic #Commonwealth #CommonGood #PublicGood
#auspol #republic #commonwealth #commongood #publicgood
Many (admittedly not all, but the vast majority) of the republicans with whom I've dealt seem genuinely confused (or perhaps ignorant). Your reference to "the commonwealth" is consistent with that. I presume you're referring to the Commonwealth of Nations. The Commonwealth of Australia can hardly leave itself. Becoming a republic would necessitate no longer being a Commonwealth realm.
I agree that the republic thing is immaterial, but some people are passionately opposed to any link with monarchy (though they don't necessarily have dispassionate reasons).
As I said, the emphasis on the common good that's implicit in the term "Commonwealth of Australia" has eroded. As you implied, that can be attributed to society's slide toward Totalitarian Capitalism.
Can a republic change that? I reckon we'd probably need to rewrite the Constitution.
@Grandalf @pmonks @Neil1808 @LordPhantom
#Auspol #Republic #Commonwealth #CommonGood #PublicGood
#auspol #republic #commonwealth #commongood #publicgood
Inability to differentiate between:
Commonwealth of Australia;
Commonwealth of Nations;
Commonwealth realm
does noting to reassure me that Australia's republicans know what they're on about.
Republicans' generaly poor comprehension reinforces my misgivings.
For me, the most important characteristic of the Commonwealth of Australia is that first word. Commonwealth (and all that it implies). Whatever supports that, I'll support. Being a Commonwealth realm has done a reasonable job so far.
Emphasis on the Common Good has eroded as Australian society became more self-centred and shortsighted. Show me a model for a republic that will reverse that.
@pmonks @Neil1808 @LordPhantom
#Auspol #Republic #Commonwealth #CommonGood #PublicGood
#auspol #republic #commonwealth #commongood #publicgood
Brenda the Civil Disobedience Penguin admires my newly-arrived copy of _Resisting AI: An Anti-Fascist Approach to Artificial Intelligence_.
Many thanks to @danmcquillan for writing the book, and especially for wrangling with his publisher to talk #Australia distributor to bring the price to something more reasonable.
#AntiFascist #Luddite #Resistance #CommonGood
#australia #artificialintelligence #antifascist #luddite #resistance #commongood