@ppdelft @toon Als dit wordt aangenomen bevindt Amsterdam zich in goed gezelschap met naast #Delft ook andere Europese steden als #Dortmund (@stadtdortmund) https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/collection/open-source-observatory-osor/news/dortmund-goes-open-source-first
en #Barcelona https://ajuntament.barcelona.cat/digital/en/digital-transformation/technology-for-a-better-government/open-source-software
#delft #dortmund #barcelona #gemeenten #opensource #commonground #eu #soevereiniteit
'new mediating institutions, such as citizens’ assemblies, that encourage and enable civil discourse and consensus formation at the same virtual scale as social networks, are more necessary than ever because the forces of fragmentation have never been greater.'
#Infopocalypse #PublicSphere #DigitalSociety #CommonGround
#mustread #infopocalypse #publicsphere #DigitalSociety #commonground
Da hat sich eine Gruppe von Leute ganz viel vorgenommen. Aus meiner Sicht haben die Truppe auch echt was los. Lohnt sich web-technisch mal reinzuschauen:
#Common, #CommonGround, #Solidarität, #Wirtschaft, #gesellschaft, #genossenschaft ,@solawi
#genossenschaft #gesellschaft #wirtschaft #solidaritat #commonground #common
A Troubling
But Truthful Case
Of Common Ground…
LEFT: How liberals, who despise Donald Trump, see him.
RIGHT: How conservatives, who adulate Donald Trump, see him.
#CommonGround #Trump #Hitler #SameBeastDifferentName #authoritarianism #fascism #racism #bigotry #hate
#hate #bigotry #Racism #Fascism #authoritarianism #samebeastdifferentname #hitler #Trump #commonground
@jbf1755 Hate & death cults like today's "Republicans" naturally disqualify themselves from ever holding any public office under the United States, as much as Confederates did.
Why? Because they're subversively attacking the authority of the *United* States.
Which is unacceptable, intolerable & insurrectionary.
#DefendAmerica #DefendDemocracy #DefensiveDemocracy #Democracy #DefendTheConstitution #UnitedInDiversity #CommonGround #Consensus vs #Insurrection #Overthrow #HateSpeech #HateCrimes
#DefendAmerica #defenddemocracy #defensivedemocracy #democracy #defendtheconstitution #UnitedInDiversity #commonground #consensus #insurrection #overthrow #hatespeech #hatecrimes
New collection of essays on Howard Thurman's legacy.
#HowardThurman #CommonGround
Fascinating! Helps me understand those with political views different than my own:
“We find instead that the main difference between the left and right is the belief that the world is inherently hierarchical. Conservatives, our work shows, tend to have higher belief than liberals in a hierarchical world, which is essentially the view that the universe is a place where the lines between categories or concepts matter.”
#politics #commonground #scientificamerican
@BrianJopek that seems to be a theme for older men particularly. I started doing a post earlier and before I realised it I was in complete sobbing mess. There are times I'm so pleased to have done some men's work here with #MensWellbeing in Queensland. They run a program called "#CommonGround". Well worth a look for men in need of not being alone.
#menswellbeing #commonground #mendocry
RT @sharmasupriya
The largest land nationalisation in Indian urban history happened in Delhi -- and the story continues to play out.
@_Vaishnavi_R's insightful report in #CommonGround today
Looking forward to this: raumlaborBerlin presents (online) Working on Common Ground, as part the Architectural League's Current Work series. March 1.
More info:
#raumlabor #thefloatinguniversity #architecture #commonground
Jacco Brouwer (VNG) talks about the Open Source Initiatives that the dutch government is employing and the why and how open source makes a difference for municipalities #OSPOlogy #commonground
There's a lot of it everywhere these days. 👀 We don't have to agree with each other on everything, but no matter what I think it is possible to find common ground and we should always strive to do that. Building upon our common ground is how we'll move forward and actually progress as fellow humans. But always looking for excuses to block and be hateful of people for simply not agreeing with us I just don't think will ever be the way to finding peace, neither within ourselves or in our external world.
#spirituality #politics #division #innerwork #innerworld #healing #unity #lovewins #agreetodisagree #commonground #socialissues #shadowwork
#spirituality #politics #division #innerwork #innerworld #healing #unity #lovewins #agreetodisagree #commonground #socialissues #shadowwork
Building bridges helps build bridges
#CommonGround works. #bipartisan #infrastructure
#commonground #BiPartisan #infrastructure
Far left 🔵 #green conservationists and far right 🔴 fiscal #conservatives each argue that future generations shouldn't be saddled with the consequences of today's reckless choices. If they could just bear each other's presence long enough to find #CommonGround, imagine the actual progress that could be made.
#green #conservatives #commonground
I’m on the board of this non-profit and these events are one of my passions. #beheard #commonground https://www.normandyparkblog.com/2022/12/13/love-is-my-religion-group-helps-people-hear-the-other-side-in-heartfelt-meaningful-way/
I’m on the board of this non-profit and these events are one of my passions. #beheard #commonground https://www.normandyparkblog.com/2022/12/13/love-is-my-religion-group-helps-people-hear-the-other-side-in-heartfelt-meaningful-way/
Went to #CommonGround on #Battlefield for a takeaway brunch, leaving one dog at home and taking the other along for the journey. I added cut up square slice to the order for the dogs to have at home later. Let’s just say, they are licking their chops. And, gentle reader, so am I.
#Metaverse »#CommonGround raises $25M for #immersive #videoavatartechnology that doesn't rely on #VRgear.« https://techcrunch.com/2022/11/30/commonground-raises-25m-for-immersive-video-avatar-technology-that-doesnt-rely-on-vr-gear/
#Metaverse #commonground #immersive #videoavatartechnology #vrgear
@Ulrich @joerglohrer
Das denke ich auch. Ich blockiere niemanden, aber ich habe festgestellt, dass #CommonGround fast leer ist. Und das ist nicht gut. Mein Hauptziel ist es, auf die Gefahr eines Atomkriegs hinzuweisen. Meine Art und Weise mögen beleidigend sein. Wenn ich mir die Posten nacheinander ansehe, riecht es ein wenig nach „smart as“. Das tut mir Leid. Ich mache eine Pause von #CommonGround
@joerglohrer Es ist richtig, wenn sich elitäre Klüngel welcher Couleur auch immer, gegenseitig blockieren, gibt es keinen #CommonGround mehr, auf den zumindest theoretisch ein Austausch möglich wäre. Und gerade der wird nötiger denn je gebraucht.