#European countries' laws can be very different from #English common-law countries' (and E.U. #law even stranger), so I make no claim about those.
But you are #mistaken about #Canadian (and I believe all other English common-law countries) law - #facts #absolutely cannot be #copyrighted. You cannot stop someone #writing a #story based on facts you reveal in your story.
See https://ised-isde.canada.ca/site/canadian-intellectual-property-office/en/guide-copyright#faq , question (2), in addition to other places.
#european #english #Law #mistaken #canadian #facts #absolutely #copyrighted #writing #story #commonlaw
Listen to my interview on BBC Radio Wales from yesterday to hear why current calls for the devolution of justice make sense historically. For most of Wales’ history, we have been able to blend and adapt laws to our own needs: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m001n64m
#history #law #commonlaw #englishlaw #welsh #welshlaw #welshgovernment #devolution #bbc #bbcradio #wales
#Wales #bbcradio #bbc #devolution #welshgovernment #welshlaw #welsh #englishlaw #commonlaw #law #history
To find out more order my latest book, ‘A Historical Introduction to English Law: Genesis of the Common Law’. You can get 20% off if you order it directly from Cambridge University Press and use the discount code SANDBERG23:
#radio #radiointerview #law #bbc #bbcwales #bbcradio #bbcradiowales #legalhistory #wales #commonlaw #lawyers #lawstudents #lawstudent
#lawstudent #lawstudents #lawyers #commonlaw #Wales #legalhistory #bbcradiowales #bbcradio #bbcwales #bbc #law #radiointerview #radio
I’m looking forward to talking about my latest book, ‘A Historical Introduction to English Law: Genesis of the Common Law’ (https://www.cambridge.org/gb/universitypress/subjects/law/legal-history/historical-introduction-english-law-genesis-common-law?format=PB) on ‘Sunday Supplement’ tomorrow on BBC Radio Wales.
#law #legal #history #commonlaw #legaleducation #legalhistory #radio #radiointerview
#radiointerview #radio #legalhistory #legaleducation #commonlaw #history #legal #law
Get 20% off my book, ‘A Historical Introduction to English Law: Genesis of the Common Law’ if you order it from Cambridge University Press with the code SANDBERG23: https://www.cambridge.org/gb/universitypress/subjects/law/legal-history/historical-introduction-english-law-genesis-common-law?format=PB
Tune in to this week’s ‘Sunday Supplement’ on BBC Radio Wales at 8.00am where I’m being interviewed about the book.
#law #legal #history #commonlaw #legaleducation #legalhistory #radio #radiointerview
#radiointerview #radio #legalhistory #legaleducation #commonlaw #history #legal #law
I’m looking forward to appearing on BBC Radio Wales’ ‘Sunday Supplement’ this weekend to discuss my latest book that contends that a historical approach to law is necessary and that the stories of law’s history need to be more widely known.
Tune in at 8.00am on Sunday or listen afterwards on BBC Sounds.
To find out more about the book and to order your copy go to: https://www.cambridge.org/highereducation/books/a-historical-introduction-to-english-law/B058B16EDA67ED66745DB7EDFF5B96C2
#law #history #legal #legalhistory #legaleducation #commonlaw #stories
#stories #commonlaw #legaleducation #legalhistory #legal #history #law
@tanepiper @Patrickstewart There was a case in Germany in 2018 that ruled #anonymisation wasn't enough because it was possible to trace back the person https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/data-anonymization-right-forgotten-bill-tolson. The #ICO in the UK produced a guidance on true #anonymization & talks about the "motivated intruder test". https://ico.org.uk/media/about-the-ico/documents/4018606/chapter-2-anonymisation-draft.pdf. Both EU/UK seem aligned but #courtcases are still too far & few between to establish a solid #commonlaw on this aspect of the right to be forgotten in #GDPR.
#anonymisation #ico #anonymization #courtcases #commonlaw #gdpr
Delighted to be interviewed by Faculti about the historical origins of the common law and why that story needs to be understood by all who study or come into contact with English law.
Watch the video at: A Historical Introduction to English Law https://faculti.net/a-historical-introduction-to-english-law/
#law #legal #history #legaleducation #legalhistory #commonlaw #interview #video
#video #interview #commonlaw #legalhistory #legaleducation #history #legal #law
#law #commonlaw #legal #publiclaw #constitution #criminallaw #contractlaw #tort #tortlaw #propertylaw #landlaw #trustsandwills #trustslaw #equity #equityandtrusts #employmentlaw #lawstudents #lawschool #legaleducation #legalhistory
#legalhistory #legaleducation #lawschool #lawstudents #employmentlaw #equityandtrusts #equity #trustslaw #trustsandwills #landlaw #propertylaw #tortlaw #Tort #contractlaw #criminallaw #constitution #publiclaw #legal #commonlaw #law
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: In ‘Prima Facie,’ a Lawyer Puts Her Own Rape on Trial https://jezebel.com/prima-facie-play-review-1850510969 #Jezebel #englishlanguagefilms #philosophyoflaw #monicalewinsky #justinmartin #tessaensler #suziemiller #primafacie #jodiecomer #commonlaw #reasoning #eveensler #jezebel #culture #julian #memory #tony #vday
#jezebel #englishlanguagefilms #philosophyoflaw #monicalewinsky #justinmartin #tessaensler #suziemiller #primafacie #jodiecomer #commonlaw #reasoning #eveensler #Culture #julian #memory #tony #vday
Must See Video: Is The #Bible Compatible With #CommonLaw? With Dave Jose https://rumble.com/v2qp4eo-is-the-bible-compatible-with-common-law-with-dave-jose.html
If you teach any of the above, order your inspection copy today. If not, use SANDBERG23 to get a 20% discount.
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#historyoflaw #lawandhistory #legalhistory #commonlaw #equityandtrusts #equity #trustslaw #trusts #landlaw #propertylaw #property #constitution #contract #tortlaw #Tort #constitutionallaw #contractlaw #criminallaw #introductiontolaw #lawstudent #lawstudents #lawschool #law
I’ve taken the opportunity to express some words of thanks especially to those who taught me legal history. This includes those who have taught the Legal History module with me as well as all those Cardiff University law students and now graduates who have studied the module and who have been subjected to and given feedback on many of the chapters in this book! Thank you all!
#newbook #published #law #lawschool #lawstudents #lawstudent #legaleducation #legalhistory #lawandhistory #commonlaw
#commonlaw #lawandhistory #legalhistory #legaleducation #lawstudent #lawstudents #lawschool #law #published #newbook
#law #university #lawstudent #lawstudents #legaleducation #commonlaw #history #legalhistory #historyoflaw #englishlaw #lawandhistory #constitution #constitutionallaw #publiclaw #criminallaw #criminal #contracts #contractlaw #tort #tortlaw #labourlaw #propertylaw #property #land #landlaw #equity #trusts #trustsandwills #trustsandestates #equityandtrusts #anglosaxon #norman #medieval #plantagenet #magnacarta #blackdeath #tudors #stuarts #themanoflaw
#themanoflaw #stuarts #tudors #blackdeath #magnacarta #plantagenet #medieval #norman #anglosaxon #equityandtrusts #trustsandestates #trustsandwills #trusts #equity #landlaw #land #property #propertylaw #labourlaw #tortlaw #Tort #contractlaw #contracts #criminal #criminallaw #publiclaw #constitutionallaw #constitution #lawandhistory #englishlaw #historyoflaw #legalhistory #history #commonlaw #legaleducation #lawstudents #lawstudent #university #law
The full Table of Contents for ‘A Historical Introduction to English Law: Genesis of the Common Law’ (Cambridge University Press, 2023) is now available: https://assets.cambridge.org/97811070/90583/toc/9781107090583_toc.pdf
Preorder today and get 20% off with code SANDBERG23: https://www.cambridge.org/gb/academic/subjects/law/legal-history/historical-introduction-english-law-genesis-common-law?format=PB
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#preordernow #preorder #newbook #commonlaw #legalhistory #historyoflaw #lawandhistory #history #legaleducation #legal #introductiontolaw #university #law
New flyer for ‘A Historical Introduction to English Law: Genesis of the Common Law’, coming soon from Cambridge University Press.
Preorder now and get 20% off with the code SANDBERG23
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#law #university #lawstudents #lawstudent #history #legaleducation #legalhistory #feminism #criticalracetheory #anglosaxons #anglosaxon #norman #normans #plantagenet #plantagenets #magnacarta #blackdeath #tudor #tudors #stuarts #stuart #thecivilwar #constitution #constitutionallaw #publiclaw #criminallaw #tort #tortlaw #contract #contractlaw #propertylaw #landlaw #trusts #equity #labourlaw #commonlaw #courts
#courts #commonlaw #labourlaw #equity #trusts #landlaw #propertylaw #contractlaw #contract #tortlaw #Tort #criminallaw #publiclaw #constitutionallaw #constitution #thecivilwar #stuart #stuarts #tudors #tudor #blackdeath #magnacarta #plantagenets #plantagenet #normans #norman #anglosaxon #anglosaxons #criticalracetheory #feminism #legalhistory #legaleducation #history #lawstudent #lawstudents #university #law
Listen to "Ep. 1622: Time to Reclaim the Seventh Amendment" by Loki Luck III {LL-3} Podcast. ⚓ https://anchor.fm/loki-luck-3/episodes/Ep--1622-Time-to-Reclaim-the-Seventh-Amendment-e1v58eb #7thAmendment #CommonLaw #BigPharma #Nullification2023 #DemoniacResistance
#DemoniacResistance #Nullification2023 #BigPharma #commonlaw #7thAmendment
Le #droit est politique ; Tamar Herzog : "C'est plus facile de changer la signification d'un texte long que d'un texte court."
https://www.radiofrance.fr/franceculture/podcasts/le-cours-de-l-histoire/le-droit-anglais-une-exception-dans-l-histoire-5246364 #conseilPodcast #anthropologie #FranceCulture #CommonLaw #histoire #apprendre #sociologie #réputation #vérité #Justice #centralisation #archives #normes #normalisation #codification
#droit #ConseilPodcast #anthropologie #franceculture #commonlaw #histoire #apprendre #sociologie #reputation #verite #justice #centralisation #archives #normes #normalisation #codification
@meowtree i would be surprised if the lawyers didn’t find more than one way to fight back and sue the company off the face of this earth. Even in the US, greedy & disproportionate #corporate policies can only go so far without being challenged by basic #civilrights #commonlaw
#corporate #civilrights #commonlaw