This has me so demoralized I've just been staring at the screen. But at least gi-docgen is built on Python-Markdown, which I hope is #CommonMark compliant so I hope I can use goldmark.
For context, I was foiled by #djot. 😅
I forgot that #CommonMark had an HTML title attribute syntax. i.e. [link name](https://link.url "link title"). Djot has this too, but it's generalized in their {attribute=value} syntax. I was tempted to add the classic syntax to djot, but in hindsight it's not very useful.
So, bold new idea: What if "link title" syntax was used for alt text? Accessibility is important, right?
Well, I forgot that images already have it: . 🤦♂️
Summary of #Djot, an improved alternative to #Markdown and #Commonmark.
I'm sure some of this is due to the "new shoes" problem, but I think incorporating the partials logic directly into #CommonMark is actually a performance improvement:
I didn't run a profile before the change, but I did run the same set I used in 2022, and it at least didn't slow down:
Good times and I added partials to the fluent common mark library:
This seems to be working just fine:
For #PHP #CommonMark
#Gemini is cool but I think it is too restrictive and it needs a specific format.
IMHO, #markdown ( #CommonMark ) over http/https would be very efficient.
Markdown a really a common format for content and there many tools able to manage.
It's easy to put md files on an existing http server.
I've not found a really easy to use markdown extension for Firefox or Chromium. I don"t know if there are browsers that render mardown natively ??
#Pandoc 3 introduced #Markdown support for #wikilinks:
There is no consensus across tools whether the link title should come before or after the pipe character, so pandoc supports both. Choose by enabling either of the new extensions
Works with #CommonMark, too: for GitHub wiki input, use gfm+wikilinks_title_after_pipe
#pandoc #markdown #wikilinks #commonmark
#CommonMark allows to add #attributes to all elements when the `attributes` extension is enabled:
- apple
- banana
#Pandoc doesn't support attributes on some elements (yet); this includes lists. The attributes are attached to a wrapping div in those cases, so the above is equivalent to this:
::: {.fruit}
- apple
- banana
The extension is enabled by default in "commonmark_x".
#commonmark #attributes #pandoc #markdown
Two ways to get a hard #linebreak within a paragraph with #Markdown:
1. End the line with two spaces (most portable).
I want a linebreak after this.␠␠
This is a new line.
2. “Backslash escape” the linebreak (more readable).
I want a linebreak after this.\
This is a new line.
Both methods work with #pandoc and any #CommonMark processor.
#linebreak #markdown #pandoc #commonmark
Smart quotes in #Markdown and #CommonMark work with multi-paragraph quotations, where only the last paragraph has a closing quotation mark. The style is used primarily in English prose.
"Enough work for today.
"Would you like some tea?"
New Blog Post: "Obsidian Support for League CommonMark" #PHP #Obsidian #CommonMark
#Pandoc supports many extensions for #CommonMark; pandoc version 2.10.1 introduced the “commonmark_x” format, which is the standardized CommonMark plus a default set of useful extensions. This includes support for YAML blocks, fancy lists, syntax for divs and spans, and many other extensions that are part of pandoc's #Markdown.
CommonMark_x is *almost* a drop-in replacement. Citations are the exception, they haven't been implemented yet.
#Markdown and #CommonMark are often used interchangeably. The latter refers to the formal specification published in 2014, resolving the syntax ambiguities of the original Markdown spec.
CommonMark and “#pandoc;s Markdown” differ in subtle ways, which is why pandoc has an extra CommonMark parser:
pandoc --from=commonmark
One can start arguing and say that we have #commonmark today. But the situation reminds me an old but gold xkcd comic.
Warum Markdown nicht ganz richtig ist
Commonmark spezifiziert die Auszeichnungssprache und bietet nützlich Hilfsmittel.
#Markdown #Syntax #Spezifikation #Commonmark #Auszeichnungssprache
#markdown #syntax #spezifikation #commonmark #auszeichnungssprache
hey #lazyweb is there a #flatfile #wiki that is written in #go or #rust or some other language that compiles to a single binary? i'm moving off of #dokuwiki and #bookstack and i *really* want something that just takes flat-file #markdown / #commonmark and renders simple html
#lazyweb #flatfile #wiki #go #rust #dokuwiki #bookstack #markdown #commonmark
I have also added the README to the dependency merging process.
So, now one can see the README not only in the repository, but also on the website.
Stackoverflow is switching to #commonmark