Wide and Deep News - and the Commons
Doc Searls is talking about the essential requirement for a society of any size to have deep news, wide news and a news commons.
#100daystooffload #newsmedia #commons
🗣 The call for papers for the #Commoning congress is ongoing.
The online congress will focus on the practice of commoning throughout history with the primary objective to present innovative research informed by critical interculturality.
ℹ️ https://ihc.fcsh.unl.pt/en/events/commoning-2024/
#Histodons #CallForPapers #CFP #Commons #Grassroots #Networking #Cooperatives #SocialMovements #Reciprocity #ChamadaParaComunicações #Comunizar #Cooperação #Associativismo
#commoning #histodons #callforpapers #cfp #commons #grassroots #networking #cooperatives #socialmovements #reciprocity #chamadaparacomunicacoes #comunizar #cooperacao #associativismo
"Today’s AI, she adds, “is dependent on all of the free-to-the-commons labor, billions of hours that are now being concentrated in the hands of a handful of companies that then get to launder that as ‘intelligence’ in ways that are further cementing information and power asymmetries.”
Meredith Whittaker im Interview.
#DasGuteLebenFürAlle #Commons #opensource #openhardware #digitalesouveraenitaet #OeffentlicherLuxus #PeopleNotProfit #FLOSS #FOSS #PublicMoneyPublic
#dasgutelebenfuralle #commons #opensource #openhardware #digitalesouveraenitaet #oeffentlicherluxus #PeopleNotProfit #floss #foss #PublicMoneyPublic
[#signature] Je crois avoir terminé... l'import de près de 800 #signatures de députés de 1790 sur #Commons #Wikidata #Wikipédia (import via #OpenRefine) 🤩 😴
Mosaïque d'images : https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?search=signature+proc%C3%A8s-verbal+division&title=Special:MediaSearch&fulltext=Rechercher&type=image
Catégorie "upload with OpenRefine" https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?filefrom=Signature%20d%27Armand%20Louis%20Fran%C3%A7ois%20Tr%C3%A9hot%20de%20Clermont.jpg&title=Category:Uploaded_with_OpenRefine#mw-category-media
Exemple de signature : https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Signature_de_Antoine_Andurand.jpg (avec rattachement à l'image originale)
#battlesignatures #archivesnationales #FrenchRevolution #GLAMarchives #Révolution #openGLAM
#openglam #revolution #glamarchives #frenchrevolution #archivesnationales #battlesignatures #openrefine #wikipedia #wikidata #commons #signatures #signature
#RegnoUnito #Commons
L'ex Vicecapogruppo dei #CON|Centro-destra Chris #Pincher ha annunciato le dimissioni dalla carica di deputato, innescando quindi le elezioni suppletive a #Tamworth.
Pincher si è dimesso dopo aver perso l'appello contro una proposta di sospensione di otto settimane per aver palpeggiato due uomini mentre era in stato di ubriachezza.
#regnounito #commons #con #Pincher #tamworth
"Die Pkw-Dichte in Deutschland steigt weiter, noch nie gab es so viele Fahrzeuge pro Einwohner."
"Mehr als ein Viertel der Haushalte hat Zweitwagen [...] ein Rekordwert"
Zusätzlich wird durch den Umstieg auf eAutos Autofahren noch günstiger (günstiger pro km & weniger Reparaturen) zudem fallen die Steuereinnahmen auf Treibstoff weg.
Wir brauchen dringend eine Mobilitätswende!
#DasGuteLebenFürAlle #mobilitaetswende #Commons #oeffentlicherLuxus #PeopleNotProfit
#dasgutelebenfuralle #mobilitaetswende #commons #oeffentlicherluxus #PeopleNotProfit
#Caen #wikipedia
ajout d'une nouvelle illustration sur #commons
#RegnoUnito #Commons
Le elezioni suppletive nel collegio di #MidBedfordshire si terranno il 19 ottobre.
#regnounito #commons #midbedfordshire
Reger Betrieb vor dem Gespräch mit Kohei Saito. #degrowth #communism #commons #volkstimmefest
#degrowth #communism #commons #volkstimmefest
#Leila gibts jetzt auch digital #meindein
#Leihen und #verleihen leicht gemacht
#leila #meindein #leihen #verleihen #postwachstum #commons #sharing #Dematerialisierung #lebenswandel
"Je mehr Sie erben, desto weniger werden Sie besteuert. Im Einkommensteuertarif gilt ja genau der umgekehrte Grundsatz. [...] Im Erbschaftssteuergesetz gilt, schwache Schultern müssen mehr tragen als starke."
"Die Erben großer Wohnungsbestände in D werden steuerlich privilegiert, während sich viele kleinere Vermieter die Erbschaftssteuer kaum noch leisten können und zum Verkauf gezwungen sind. Darunter leiden Mieter."
#dasgutelebenfuralle #commons #oeffentlicherluxus
The perception and property rights of the wealthy class blinds them to the rights of the #commons and for the protection of unique and important wild lands. This real estate developer says "I have a right to build on that property," Banks told CBC News in an interview Wednesday. "The province approved it… and at the end of the day, that's what's going to happen." #privateproperty #privilege #realestate #PEI #AtlanticCanada
#commons #privateproperty #privilege #realestate #pei #atlanticcanada
Now that you are all back from your holidays, it is time for work updates. I am very proud to announce that the article "Participatory Design and Critical Media Studies: A Convivial Conversation" has been published on the Interaction Design & Architecture(s) Journal.
It is the result of a great collaboration with Tiziano Bonini and Maurizio Teli, whom I would like to thank here for their enlightening ideas and ease of working together. #participatorydesign #commons
Important rebuttal by Douglas Rushkoff of the 'Tragedy of the Commons' mindset, as used recently by no less than the New York Times, who really *should* know better.
#capitalism #commons #cooperation #community
To anyone curious about how #SystemsThinking can help us all transition to #WellbeingEconomics - this is a highly recommended book by researcher Gaya Herrington. Best of all, it's free and #OpenAccess 📖
#DoughnutEconomics #Metacrisis #LimitsToGrowth #Earth4All #Wellbeing #Economics #ClimateCrisis #Commons #Sociocracy #Research
#systemsthinking #wellbeingeconomics #openaccess #doughnuteconomics #metacrisis #limitstogrowth #Earth4All #wellbeing #economics #climatecrisis #commons #sociocracy #research
Ostarbeiterin mit drei: Geschichte von Marija Tymoschuk
»Marija Tymoschuk ist mit drei Jahren zusammen mit ihrer Familie nach Deutschland verschleppt worden. Heute muss sie ihren zweiten Krieg im Dorf Kultschyn neben der Stadt Kowel erleben. In Zusammenarbeit mit der NGO After Silence, die sich mit oral history beschäftigt, haben wir Marijas Erinnerungen aufgenommen und zu einer graphic story gemacht.«
#Ukraine #Commons #NS #Ostarbeiter|innen #Zwangsarbeit #Comic
#ukraine #commons #NS #ostarbeiter #Zwangsarbeit #comic
"It’s like Tor and IPFS had sex and produced this thing"
Die veilid Bibliothek (gesprochen: vay-lid; eine e2ee, p2p, mesh, TOR, IPFS Bibliothek) versucht Verschlüsselung mit Überwachungsschutz zu verbinden und für Apps zur Verfügung zu stellen. Es bleibt spannend!! 😋
#DasGuteLebenFürAlle #Commons #opensource #openhardware #EineGuteZeitFürAlle #digitalesouveraenitaet #verantwortungsvollesmiteinander
#OpenSource #FLOSS #FOSS #PublicMoneyPublic #PMPC #PeopleNotProfit
#dasgutelebenfuralle #commons #opensource #openhardware #einegutezeitfuralle #digitalesouveraenitaet #verantwortungsvollesmiteinander #floss #foss #PublicMoneyPublic #pmpc #PeopleNotProfit
A great deal of discussion about police abolition concerns non-police responses to violent crime, but most police work is unrelated to violent crime. Most, maybe all, of this is economic in nature – designed to keep working people from using productive property to meet their own needs directly – to keep the commons enclosed. This work means the police are inextricably integrated into the economy in surprising ways that are largely undiscussed in the context of abolition, which would trigger monumental, almost unimaginable changes in how we as a society meet our human needs through work. It’s likely that the end of policing would mean the end of capitalism, which suggests that it won’t be easy to achieve given the magnitude of what’s at stake.
#Abolition #PoliceAbolition #Capitalism #Police #ACAB #LosAngeles #Anarchy #Anarchism #Enclosure #Commons #Landlords #TenantsRights #Squatting
#Abolition #policeabolition #capitalism #police #acab #losangeles #anarchy #anarchism #enclosure #commons #landlords #tenantsrights #squatting
Do not get distracted by the #AI hype: When the #commons meet a monopolist, they die - more or less slowly. https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2023/07/google-search-generative-experience-content-creation/674674/
#AI #Commons #DataCommons #OpenSource #PublicGoods: "In short, the sharing economy’s world without money was built on top of a world where money was everything, and the bill has come due. Our data has not only been appropriated, but is increasingly used against us. It has become the fuel behind AI models whose power and influence on our lives we are just beginning to fathom, but that we can already see are not all positive, or not all to our advantage – especially to those most vulnerable in our societies.
Big Tech will continue to cling to the idea of data as a non-rival good, claiming that data extractivism is all done for our benefit. They may even promise that their AI models will be open-source public goods, which supposedly means that our stolen data will come back to us as a more useful product, capable of solving the world’s problems.
We must see these moves for what they are: Not the altruistic actions of benevolent corporations, but a way to avoid lawsuits, delay attempts at serious regulation and more importantly, justify the privatisation of the commons."
#ai #commons #datacommons #opensource #publicgoods