It is true that the game Monopoly was a completely misguided attempt to show ordinary people how capitalism works. One person wins everything, everyone else loses everything.
With the new board game "Commonspoly" they want to show that cooperation is possible. Check it out!
#boardgame #commonspoly #monopoly #commons
@ArneBab "wir" aus dem #Commons-Umfeld haben mit #commonspoly versucht ein Gegenentwurf zu kreieren. Ich bin noch nicht dazu gekommen es zu spielen. Gibs leider nur auf Eng./ bisher.
It's not #Strike, #GameChanger or #SpaceCatsFightFascism, much less #Commonspoly, but looks better than Grand Exploitation Imperialist...
#games #commonspoly #SpaceCatsFightFascism #gamechanger #strike
#Commonspoly is an attempt to rectify a misunderstanding that has lasted for more than a century. Back in 1904, Elizabeth Magie patented The #Landlord’s Game, a board game intended to warn people about the dangerous effects of monopolism. Years later, she sold the patent to Parker Brothers, the company that distorted her game, turning it into the Monopoly we all know today—a game that celebrates huge economic accumulation and the bankruptcy of anyone… except you.
#commonspoly #landlord #commons
#Commonspoly is a free licensed board game which promotes cooperation and the act of commoning
#commonspoly #game #creativecommons #commons
wow, ça a l'air tellement dingue ce jeu 😍
Commonspoly is a free licensed board game which promotes cooperation and the act of commoning
#commonspoly #peerproduction #communs #commons
One interesting feature of #Commonspoly is that players earn both Welfare Points and Legitimacy Points.
Welfare Points are like money, but also like time credit in a time bank, sharing, swapping, etc.
Legitimacy Points are like so-called "social capital" - a term I dislike because capital refers to a social relation of exploitation. Legitimacy is like credibility, or mutual respect, or reputation. In the game, it is the key to collective transformation of the economy.
Great to play #Commonspoly
with @appleseed and @clayton We may just have to develop a Colorado-specific version...
Thanks to the folks at
Preliminary review of #Commonspoly -- fun, humorous, nice feminist/trans friendly content, suggests larger themes but not overtly pedagogical. Generally uplifting (e.g. you get points for stopping mainsplainer)
#Co-opoly is better for learning about cooperatives and practical issues in organizing.
Commonspoly is more like a regular board game, only instead of playing against, you play with. (With the exception of the speculators...). Both games are great for building friendly groups.
I am a fan of the board games Co-opoly and Rise Up!, from TESA. Now I want to play this one: Commonspoly.
When is someone going to make a multiplayer online version of these board games?
You can see the "Game Master's Guide" for Commonspoly here:
#games #boardgames #education #commonspoly
@danslerush Il existe une traduction des règles du #Commonspoly en FR... Mais ce serait top que le jeu se fasse produire en français... je connais plein de personnes qui en voudraient un exemplaire, moi le premier ! (Pouhiou, here)
Cet été dans la location on est tombé avec Nièce et Neveu sur un fringant #Monopoly Star Ouarze Épisode Ouane (bien évidemment j'ai pris le pion Jar-Jar). Au delà de l'esthétique "galactique" de celui-ci, j'ai quand même trouvé que l'idéologie de jeu était assez dégueulasse et ne faisait pas ressortir le meilleur des p'tits bouts.
Donc je regarde un peu les alternatives QUI POURRAIENT SE JOUER AVEC DES GAMINS. J'ai bien vu qu'il existe un "Anti-Monopoly", un #Commonspoly mais rien en français 🤔
[#BiensCommuns #Jeudesociete] "Commonspoly : l'anti-Monopoly qui rappelle la valeur des ressources" via #ParisMatch thanks @LesCommunsDAbord, plateau et cartes téléchargeables > #Communs #monopoly #Commonspoly #citoyenneté #coopération jeuxdesociete
#bienscommuns #jeudesociete #parismatch #communs #monopoly #commonspoly #citoyenneté #coopération
Le #Commonspoly, une très bonne idée et hack des règles de ce célèbre jeu le #Monopoly pour revenir à l'esprit initial du jeu ❤ Première grande démonstration sur l'Espace des logiciels libres, des hackers, et des fablabs lors de la prochaine #FetedelHumanite ❤
Plus info sur cet article :
#commonspoly #monopoly #fetedelhumanite