A small plugin for ListView and , to generate and manage button groups in team scenarios.

It might not be the best way to manage buttons out there, but this is what I came up with.


#unrealengine #UE5 #commonui

Last updated 2 years ago

I'm somewhat baffled by myself. I have been using it sparingly throughout the years for styling options.

But now that it is heralded as the new default, it is not enough anymore to be a cryptically-commented plugin.

You should be able to have it set up and working with Editor & Documentation alone, **not** by dismissing people to download an optional example project and dump a whole extra framework from it.


Last updated 2 years ago

In , do you use and if so did you understand how to make it work?
I'm currently having problems switching Input Mode in C++ on one project; and problems having it play nice with Back Handle & Focus (especially on lists view of buttons) on another.

#Unreal5 #commonui

Last updated 2 years ago

Anders Dahnielson · @dahnielson
56 followers · 372 posts · Server mastodon.gamedev.place

Anyone got any advice on how to get the tab list and switcher working in Common UI?

So far I have created a widget blueprint class that inherit from CommonTabListWidgetBase and added a CommonAnimatedSwitcher to my menu widget blueprint and linked them with the SetLinkedSwitcher function.

But how do I get them to work together and interact?

#gamedev #commonui #unrealengine

Last updated 2 years ago