لطفا در #commonvoice #موزیلا سعی کنید از میانبرهای صفحهکلید استفاده کنید تا صدای کلیک ضبط نشود. صدای کلیک واقعا اذیتکننده است.
Wer keinen Bock hat, dass #Cloud basierte #Sprachsteuerung nach Sweatshop oder Big Brother stinkt, kann unter diesem Link das Common Voice Project mit eigenem Input unterstützen oder eingereichte Wort- und Schrift-Beispiele kontrollieren. Dialekte sind willkommen. #CommonVoice #Mozilla
#cloud #sprachsteuerung #commonvoice #mozilla
Hier j'ai vu passer un post au sujet de #CommonVoice et j'ai décidé de contribuer au projet à mon tour.
J'ai enregistré mes premières phrases ce matin et écouté quelques contributions. C'est simple et ça demande peu d'effort.
Had to relogin to CV Project app (for contributing to the #CommonVoice project) and found out that all of my data was deleted (either that, or the number of contributions I made were deleted). Well isn't that nice? #CVProject
Transcription de l'émission Libre à vous ! de @aprilorg sur @CauseCommune du 27 juin menée par @lonugem
Chronique « Pépites libres » de Jean-Christophe Becquet sur #CommonVoice
Plateformes d’apprentissage en ligne libres : outils, pratiques et enjeux, avec Nathalie Soetaert et Yannick Warnier et Sylvain Kuntzmann
La pituite de Luk sur le « concept de merdification »
Bonne lecture !
🗨 Hem aconseguit un dels objectius de la campanya #LaTevaVeuAFoc: el català és la llengua amb més hores enregistrades al repositori de #CommonVoice! 🎉
✅ Ara falten un munt de talls per validar: només cal entrar, escoltar-los i aprovar-los. Som-hi! 📲
🤖 #ÈXIT | Google incorpora la llengua catalana en el nou model de llenguatge massiu PaLM 2
📲 Treballem des de fa temps perquè les tecnologies digitals incloguin el català, com per exemple eixamplant el corpus de veus en català a #CommonVoice!
Nos cabines #CommonVoice seront disponible aux @geekfaeries 2023. Une bonne occasion pour donner de la voix pour les communs https://blog.mozfr.org/post/2023/05/Geek-Faeries-2023-les-retrouvailles-continuent
I'm preparing a few demos, #commonvoice #hubs #firefox #privacy for the @geekfaeries event, which will be visible at the Village du Libre on the @mozilla booth. Proof of preparation in photo
#commonvoice #hubs #firefox #privacy
RT @siminyu_kat@twitter.com
In Lubumbashi for the DRC #commonvoice #KiswahiliFestival
I've been enjoying being in francophone countries and finding that Kiswahili can be the fallback medium of communication.
❤️ it for us.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/siminyu_kat/status/1661262561411747842
#commonvoice #kiswahilifestival #mozillalubumbashi #unh
We’re looking to grow the most linguistically diverse crowdsourced dataset in the world this week, aka #CommonVoice! Are you joining us in #Lubumbashi this week?
P.S. there’s a $300USD prize up for grabs on Day 2 (tomorrow!) More here
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/mozilla/status/1661377518681686021
Here's an easy one: contribute a few passages to Mozilla #CommonVoice, and let your voice be part of an open data project https://commonvoice.mozilla.org/en/speak
Calling #Swahili speakers in Lubumbashi, DRC📢
Join us May 24-25 for a two-day #CommonVoice event!
We invite you to contribute your voice and compete in our feminist write-a-thon in an effort to build a diverse dataset for the Kiswahili language.
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/mozilla/status/1660681763083960330
#FaUnMes | Vam arrencar una campanya, al Palau Blaugrana, per fer que el català sigui la llengua amb més gravacions a #CommonVoice
🗨 Volem aconseguir que el català sigui la primera llengua en aquest repositori digital de veus
🎉 No són ni les 10 h i ja s'han gravat 438 talls de veu dels 1200 marcats com a objectiu.
📊 Ens ajudes a fer del català la primera llengua al repositori digital #CommonVoice?
👉 1) Entra-hi 2) Grava o valida talls en català 3) Finalitza... i fet! #LaTevaVeuAFoc
Katalanek Palau Blaugrana edo Nou Campa beteko dute #CommonVoice grabazioak egiteko...
Tira. Auzolan errazegia!
@spla sa veritat, però, és que si mires ses dades des #CommonVoice per exemple, fa un poc de pena sa participació de fora Catalunya. Després remugarem que «ets aparatos» no ens entenen 😏😒
Bé, ara no volia jo fer de prepunyetes i no ho he pogut evitar :(
Em sorpren gratament sa posició des #catala a qualsevol projecte obert. Au, ara. Seguim així. Amor
Delighted to let folks know that the informative panel I was a part of at #NVIDIA GTC a couple weeks ago - with the excellent Caroline de Brito Gottlieb of NVIDIA, Bonaventure F. P. Dossou of #Lanfrica and Mila - Quebec Artificial Intelligence Institute, and Kalika Bali of #Microsoft Research - is now available online.
We spoke about #diversity in #languages and language #data and #AI, and how important it is to involve language communities - such as the work done by Mozilla's #CommonVoice project.
👇 https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/on-demand/session/gtcspring23-s51447/
#nvidia #Lanfrica #microsoft #diversity #languages #data #ai #commonvoice
I just published a blog post about my last 5 years contributing to Mozilla as a volunteer. We're now marking the 16th year I'm contributing as a Mozillian. This time I only wrote down the high-level points and focused mostly on Common Voice. If there is anything else you'd be interested in, please reach out and I can extend the blog post.
#opensource #mozilla #contributor #mozillareps #commonvoice
Second on the docket, #CommonVoice! Help us win the Accessible Tech category and vote for us here: https://vote.webbyawards.com/PublicVoting#/2023/websites-and-mobile-sites/responsible-technology/accessible-technology
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/mozilla/status/1644078221871161348