Check out the confirmed talks for the CWL 2023 Conference!
You can still sign up to participate:
The 2023 Common Workflow Language conference is coming, and there is still time to submit your talk proposals! #CommonWL #SciWorkflows
Toil 5.8.0 is out!
Highlights include "exposing workflow tasks via WES"
Also for toil-cwl-runner: --no-compute-checksum, --strict-cpu-limit, --disable-validate, and --fast-parser are now supported; along with the proposed CUDARequirement extension
Did you know that there is a #CommonWL office hour each Monday?
Open to all CWL users, developers; from newbie to long-time expert.
Today's call starts in about an hour!
Agenda & notes:
Direct link to video room:
Nice article showing a scientific web service backed by a portable #CommonWL #SciWorkflow!
Hachiya, T., Ishii, M., Kawai, Y. et al. The NBDC-DDBJ imputation server facilitates the use of controlled access reference panel datasets in Japan. Hum Genome Var 9, 48 (2022).
The "Common Workflow Language" project explained in 64 seconds