📌Dynamiser la #communication de votre établissement et de vos actions? #FormationContinue du 6 au 9/11/2023.
Prog et infos pratiques ➡️ https://www.institut-agro-montpellier.fr/formations/formation-tout-au-long-de-la-vie/recherche-d-une-formation-continue/actions-epa2-epl #EnseignementAgricole #Florac
#florac #enseignementagricole #formationcontinue #communication
#Communication and #collaboration within the team are often a challenge, especially in a self-governed organization. Do you want to learn more about feedback and surfacing tensions? Then join our course 👉 https://t.co/cOX063WuRG
#communication #collaboration #sociocracy
Appel à projets tuteurés CoLibre 2023-2024
Envie de mettre de l'éthique et du libre dans la communication de votre structure? Proposer votre projet pour la prochaine promo Colibre (#LicencePro #Communication)
#colibre2024 #communication #logiciellibre #lyon #projetstuteurés
#projetstuteures #lyon #logiciellibre #colibre2024 #communication #licencepro
To have nothing to hide is not to renounce this right for fear of being accused of being at fault.
The bathrooms have darkened panels that divide the sink area from the toilets. Not because the occupant has secrets to hide, but because he/she should have his/her privacy.
Communicating in the clear is like shitting in public. No blackout panels.
#chatcontrol #surveillance #cryptography #privacy #communication #messengers #email
#chatcontrol #surveillance #cryptography #privacy #communication #messengers #email
📢 C'est parti !! La 1re session d'échanges échiquéens du projet #QuotiChess démarre dès la semaine prochaine sur Mastodon 🦣 et par mail 📨!
4️⃣ 5️⃣ classes
9️⃣ 5️⃣ 0️⃣ élèves5️⃣
pays 🇫🇷🇨🇦🇺🇸🇨🇭🇬🇧
#Échecs #CPS #EMI #EMC #Maths #Communication #EduNum #chess
#TeamPE #TeamProf #TeamEduc #Education #Pédagogie #Numérique #Projets #Echanges
#quotichess #echecs #cps #emi #emc #maths #communication #edunum #chess #teampe #teamprof #teameduc #education #pedagogie #numerique #projets #echanges
Korrespondenz (aus lateinisch correspondentia, wörtlich gegenseitige Beantwortung), auch Briefwechsel oder Schriftverkehr genannt, steht meistens für eine i. d. R. schriftliche Kommunikation, gehört zum Feld der interpersonellen Kommunikation und ist meistens bidirektional.
Mit das Beste am Fediverse für mich.
Klappt meistens auch ganz gut. Aber nicht immer.
Elon Musk a coupé Starlink pour stopper une attaque ukrainienne
"Elon Musk a secrètement ordonné à ses ingénieurs d’éteindre le réseau de acommunication par satellite Starlink de SpaceX près de la côte de Crimée l’année dernière pour perturber une attaque ukrainienne contre la flotte navale russe, révèle une nouvelle biographie du milliardaire évoquée le jeudi 7 septembre par CNN.".
#elonmusk #communication #ukraine #russie
UC San Diego is also hiring in #media, culture, and law: "We seek an interdisciplinary scholar, artist, or practitioner who engages with the study and design of laws and policies related to media, communication, and culture with a focus on Native American/Alaska Native/Pacific Islander, Indigenous, Black, and/or migrant futures."
#academia #academicjobs #academicchatter #communication #commodon
Assistant level: https://apol-recruit.ucsd.edu/JPF03665
Associate level: https://apol-recruit.ucsd.edu/JPF03696
#media #academia #academicjobs #academicchatter #communication #commodon
The Sanford School of Public Policy at Duke is searching for candidates at the Assistant or Associate level for a new position focusing on ethics and technology. It sounds like the committee is considering a wide range of cross-cutting expertise including public health, media, democracy, privacy, etc. (cc @RobynCaplan)
#academia #academicjobs #academicchatter #communication #commodon
#academia #academicjobs #academicchatter #communication #commodon
(#IA) L’IA va-t-elle remplacer les équipes de #communication interne des entreprises ?
👉 Quelle IA sera demain capable de proposer une expérience de marque sincère et authentique à nos collaborateurs ?
🔗 https://usbeketrica.com/fr/article/l-ia-va-t-elle-remplacer-les-equipes-de-communication-interne-des-entreprises
Via @USBEKetRICA@twitter.com
Check out the #ZeMKI #Datafication and#Mediatiziation Lab @unibremen at its summer/fall retreat at Pfarrhof #Bergkirchen !
Among others with @Andreas_Hepp @Leifkramp @JulieLuepkes .
#zemki #datafication #bergkirchen #mediastudies #Digitalmedia #communication
Disagreement most often stems from incorrect assumptions of another's perspective, or ignorance of another's assumptions about you. #wisdom #disagreement #communication #gettingalong
#wisdom #disagreement #communication #gettingalong
I don't care what everyone say, to me beautiful #hands are way more important than anything else. Hands are a part of our body we use to #communicate, with handshakes, caresses, hugs. Hands will always be one of the three things I will check out aesthetically, the others being #eyes and #mouth.
#hands #communicate #eyes #mouth #beauty #aestetic #communication
Margins are a way of expressing that one is not a complete barbarian.
Its non-verbal, #spacial communication.
#spacial #margins #communication #graphicdesign #webdesign
What is it with this fashion for putting the Euro sign after the number? I first saw it a couple of weeks or so ago, and now it's all over the place.
eg 40€ rather than €40
I'm not against it: just wondering what gives?
#typography #convention #currency #communication
#communication #currency #convention #typography
(R)appel à projets tuteurés (communication) de la licence pro colibre https://linuxfr.org/news/r-appel-a-projets-tuteures-communication-de-la-licence-pro-colibre #communication #université #Éducation #colibre #lyon
#communication #universite #education #colibre #lyon
In her book Reading Between the Signs, Anna Mindess recalls going to a workshop on intercultural communication. She asked a question of the lecturer: "You keep saying that these are typical American values, but I don't consider myself a typical American."
The lecturer replied, "That is a typically American thing to say."
#america #usa #culture #communication #annamindess
So far, this is a key takeaway for me:
Not only do we need to use our *words* to share, but we need to *express* our feelings (through tone, letting ourselves cry, etc.) if people are going to realize the gravity of what we’re going thru. Because your friends want to support you! But words are not the primary means of #communication
Suis-je assez explicite ?
Posée à l’autre la question peut sembler faite d’une exigence qui n’entend pas de contestation.
— Suis-je assez clair ?
On n’est pas loin de la « remontée de bretelles » ! Mais posée à moi-même pour tenter d’analyser ce que j’exprime et mon mode de communication, ce peut-être un bon outil de régulation. Utile aussi si je regarde le site…
L’implicite entre langage et
#Journal #communication #explicite
#journal #communication #explicite