SCOTUS spares Section 230, rules Google, Twitter not liable for aiding ISIS - Enlarge (credit: Bloomberg / Contributor | Bloomberg)
Today th... - #communicationsdecencyact #anti-terrorism #section230 #facebook #twitter #youtube #policy #google #isis #meta
#meta #isis #google #policy #youtube #twitter #facebook #section230 #anti #communicationsdecencyact
Ars Technica: SCOTUS spares Section 230, rules Google, Twitter not liable for aiding ISIS #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #communicationsdecencyact #anti-terrorism #Section230 #Facebook #Twitter #YouTube #Policy #google #Isis #meta
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #communicationsdecencyact #anti #section230 #facebook #Twitter #youtube #policy #google #isis #meta
Ars Technica: Man battling Google wins $500K for search result links calling him a pedophile #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #communicationsdecencyact #googlesearch #defamation #Section230 #Policy #google
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #communicationsdecencyact #googlesearch #defamation #section230 #policy #google
Man battling Google wins $500K for search result links calling him a pedophile - Enlarge (credit: NurPhoto / Contributor | NurPhoto)
A Montreal... - #communicationsdecencyact #googlesearch #defamation #section230 #policy #google
#google #policy #section230 #defamation #googlesearch #communicationsdecencyact
In the cases, #GonzalezVGoogle & #TwitterVTaamneh , the court could set new boundaries to interpret #Section230 of the #CommunicationsDecencyAct, a 1996 law that arguably supports the economic models of #SocialMedia & other interactive websites hosting #ThirdParty #content—& #Antiterrorism laws that allow victims of international #terrorist attacks to seek compensation from those who “#AidAndAbet” the assaults.
#gonzalezvgoogle #twittervtaamneh #section230 #communicationsdecencyact #socialmedia #thirdparty #content #antiterrorism #terrorist #aidandabet
Ars Technica: SCOTUS “confused” after hearing arguments for weakening Section 230 immunity #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #communicationsdecencyact #anti-terrorism #SupremeCourt #Section230 #Terrorism #YouTube #Policy #google #SCOTUS
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #communicationsdecencyact #anti #supremecourt #section230 #terrorism #youtube #policy #google #scotus
SCOTUS “confused” after hearing arguments for weakening Section 230 immunity - Enlarge / Jose Hernandez and Beatriz Gonzalez, stepfather and mother of... - #communicationsdecencyact #anti-terrorism #supremecourt #section230 #terrorism #youtube #policy #google #scotus
#scotus #google #policy #youtube #terrorism #section230 #supremecourt #anti #communicationsdecencyact
The Supreme Court has heard arguments in the first case about the federal law that helped create the modern internet, and several justices suggested that Congress, not the courts, should resolve the issue.
#SCOTUS #Section230 #CommunicationsDecencyAct
#scotus #section230 #communicationsdecencyact
"Section 230 protection makes it easier for platforms to allow users to post their views without the companies fearing they could be held responsible for those messages. It also gives the platforms peace of mind that they won’t be penalized if they want to remove or demote information they deem to be harmful or objectionable in some way.
These are the cases that threaten to undermine Section 230′s force."
#law #section230 #communicationsdecencyact #internetfreedom
Google und Section 230: US-Gerichtsurteil könnte "Internet auf den Kopf stellen"
Der Supreme Court verhandelt über elementare US-Haftungsprivilegien für soziale Netzwerke. Google mahnt, diese zu erhalten, sonst drohe weitgehende Zensur.
#CDA #CommunicationsDecencyAct #Facebook #Google #Haftung #Haftungsrecht #Instagram #Regulierung #Section230 #SocialMedia #Suchmaschinen #TikTok #Twitter #USA #YouTube #News
#cda #communicationsdecencyact #facebook #google #haftung #Haftungsrecht #instagram #regulierung #section230 #socialmedia #suchmaschinen #tiktok #twitter #usa #youtube #news
North Dakota lawmakers propose bill allowing censored citizens to sue Big Tech
#bigtech #bill #censoredcitizens #communicationsdecencyact #donaldtrump #facebook #firstamendment #freespeech #google #lawsuits #legislation #northdakota #presidenttru...
#presidenttru #northdakota #legislation #lawsuits #google #freespeech #firstamendment #facebook #donaldtrump #communicationsdecencyact #censoredcitizens #bill #BigTech
Kinda sorta weakened version of EARN IT Act creeps closer - Critics say the amended bill that's headed for a full Senate hearing still threatens encryption, a... more: #communicationsdecencyact #end-to-endencryption #governmentsecurity #cryptography ##nobackdoors #nobackdoors #encryption #section230 #law&order #backdoors #earnitact #backdoor #earn-it
#earn #backdoor #earnitact #backdoors #law #section230 #encryption #nobackdoors #cryptography #governmentsecurity #end #communicationsdecencyact
Signal: We’ll be eaten alive by EARN IT Act’s anti-encryption wolves - The Big Bad Wolves haven't blown the house down but did come up with a way to "hold the three litt... more: #communicationsdecencyact #end-to-endencryption #governmentsecurity #childabuseimagery #childsexualabuse #cryptography ##nobackdoors #legislation #nobackdoors #encryption #joshualund #section230 #privacy
#privacy #section230 #joshualund #encryption #legislation #nobackdoors #cryptography #childsexualabuse #childabuseimagery #governmentsecurity #end #communicationsdecencyact
EARN IT Act threatens end-to-end encryption - The bill, which would undercut Section 230 protections for online publishing, presents itself as a... more: #communicationsdecencyact #end-to-endencryption #governmentsecurity #cryptography ##nobackdoors #nobackdoors #encryption #section230 #law&order #backdoors #earnitact #backdoor #earn-it
#earn #backdoor #earnitact #backdoors #law #section230 #encryption #nobackdoors #cryptography #governmentsecurity #end #communicationsdecencyact