As people all over the world see threats to their existence from Capitalism, War, Climate Change, Corruption, a lack of healthcare and Imperialism, the protests become more violent.
The Revolution of the working class is growing exponentially.
#anarchism #communismmeansusnotme #socialism
Help the planet and humanity.....purchase from craftsmen and artisans.
Avoid factory manufactured items that put profits ahead of people.
#anarchism #communismmeansusnotme
The SYSTEM is corrupt and ALWAYS favors the wealthiest in society.
#anarchism #communismmeansusnotme #socialism
Puerto Rico should prepare to be self reliant as the USA continues its downward trajectory and ultimate collapse.
#anarchism #communismmeansusnotme
Voting only has meaning in a system that is fair and where the vote counters are not corrupt.
Given gerrymandering, lack of oversight, a corrupt duopoly and living in oligarchy.....truthfully..the working class continues to get screwed.
REMEMBER:...all countries "vote" and most times it is meaningless.
#anarchism #communismmeansusnotme #capitalismdestroys
Jan 2025 and we will see this nonsense all over again
#CutMilitarySpending #nomorewar #militaryindustrialcomplex #anarchism #communismmeansusnotme #socialism
#capitalismdestroys #capitalismdestroysourplanet #capitalismdestroysjobs #communismmeansusnotme #anarchism
Gawd...Biden and Neolibs agree to cut back every program EXCEPT the WAR MACHINE PENTAGON!
EXACTLY the opposite of what ordinary working people need or want!
#anarchism #CommunismMeansUsNotMe
#anarchism #communismmeansusnotme #socialism #capitalismdestroys
To those Corporate Neolibs:
Billy Bragg said it so well in song...not only will cities of Europe BURN AGAIN but so will US cities burn WITH THEM!
#Fascist Israel
and all "friends" of fascist supporting AMERICA!
#nomorewar #fascistukraine #fascist #fascistindia #anarchist #socialism #communism #communismmeansusnotme
Joe Biden served his master a plentiful bounty in Alaska while forgetting about climate change and the destruction of Alaska.
#EndTheDuopoly #ThirdPartyCoalitionFor the People
#EndTheDuopoly #thirdpartycoalitionfor #thirdpartymeansjustice #communismmeansusnotme #socialism #greenparty #peoplesparty #revolution #anarchist
#CapitalismDestroysOurPlanet ALWAYS destroys workers and the environment for higher profits.
#socialism #CommunismMeansUsNotMe
#capitalismdestroysourplanet #socialism #communismmeansusnotme #anarchist