#workersrevolution #proletarianrevolution #nomorekings #nomorebosses #nomoreboss #nomorelandlords #nomoredebt #nomorecredit #nomorepoliticians #anarchocommunism #anarchocommunist #communistart #socialistart #anarchistart #anarchistposters #anarchism #anticapitalism #anticapitalist #anticapitalismo #antiimperialism #antiimperialst #communismwillwin #hammerandsickle #constructivism #constructivist #constructivistart #communistpropaganda #leftistpropaganda #skullposter
#workersrevolution #proletarianrevolution #NoMoreKings #nomorebosses #nomoreboss #nomorelandlords #nomoredebt #nomorecredit #nomorepoliticians #anarchocommunism #anarchocommunist #communistart #socialistart #anarchistart #AnarchistPosters #anarchism #anticapitalism #anticapitalist #anticapitalismo #antiimperialism #antiimperialst #communismwillwin #hammerandsickle #constructivism #constructivist #constructivistart #communistpropaganda #leftistpropaganda #skullposter
Soviet Cinema
#Communism #communismwillwin #AllPowerToThePeople
#communism #communismwillwin #AllPowerToThePeople
@spoopy @anarchistbicycleclub I never said I liked the Olympics, you implied it. I just said I went there as a young man. Considering my father was a Communist, i was more interested in seeing Lenin. I do enjoy athletics, and enjoyed my time in the Soviet Union, but considering you don't even remember a CCCP existing, I don't expect you to understand anything I'd say. But I appreciate all the attention you're giving me. #CommunismWillWin Cheers :commie:
RT @asatarbair@twitter.com
Capitalism is theft, murder, and lies, right down to its core. May this be the year we overturn it and put in place an economic system that puts working people and the earth first and foremost 🙏 #CommunismWillWin
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/asatarbair/status/1476938288745246720