In Favela, Wi-Fi and Ecommerce Promise a Better Future
A tech-led initiative to bring economic development to Brazil’s shantytowns starts with a radical idea: Listen to the people who live there.
#techforgood #techinnovation #economicdevelopment #communityempowerment
🌟 Meet the Core Team 🌟
1️⃣ Lē Silveus (on the right): Neurodistinct Founder & CEO of Larunda Inc. Advocate for inclusive tech & community empowerment. #InclusiveTech #CommunityEmpowerment #Accessibility #Neurodiversity
2️⃣ Erica Braverman (on the left): UX Research Lead at Larunda Inc. Passionate about accessible research & enhancing online experiences. #UXResearch #AccessibilityAdvocate #InclusiveDesign
#inclusivetech #communityempowerment #accessibility #neurodiversity #uxresearch #accessibilityadvocate #inclusivedesign
Singing Gorilla Projects is a remarkable organisation dedicated to making a positive impact in the Kisoro district of Uganda, home to the majestic Mountain Gorilla. 🦍 🌿
Through its incredible initiatives, SGP has been instrumental in bringing about significant change - setting up a music school, installing over 50 water tanks, and sponsoring children to continue their schooling.
#SingingGorillaProjects #CommunityEmpowerment #InspireChange #LoveUganda #Kisoro
#singinggorillaprojects #communityempowerment #inspirechange #loveuganda #kisoro
As the community of actors involved in collaborative modes of boundary-crossing research & practice continues to grow here, I would like to share some information about the *ITD Alliance* that I think may be of interest in this area.
#transdisciplinarity #research #interdisciplinary #itdalliance #collaboration #ParticipatoryResearch #CapacityBuilding #CommunityEmpowerment
#communityempowerment #CapacityBuilding #participatoryresearch #collaboration #itdalliance #interdisciplinary #research #transdisciplinarity
Hi everyone, very happy to join you all here, isn’t it lovely?
Quick #introduction : I’m Pauline, I specialise in #SocialResearch & #PublicEngagement on #ClimateChange
Suggestions welcome for others doing
#Deliberative #Democracy #CitizensAssemblies #ClimateAssemblies #ConventionCitoyenne #ParticipatoryResearch #CommunityEmpowerment #ClimateCommunication #BehaviourChange
#Migration #Mobility
#Urbanism #CarFree #Qualitative #ResearchDesign #Facilitators
#introduction #socialresearch #PublicEngagement #climatechange #deliberative #democracy #citizensassemblies #ClimateAssemblies #conventioncitoyenne #ParticipatoryResearch #communityempowerment #climatecommunication #behaviourchange #politicalpsychology #migration #mobility #urbanism #carfree #qualitative #ResearchDesign #facilitators
Intro post!
I'm an islander / islands researcher based in Jura, Scotland & interested in many things including:
#Islands #ScottishIslands #IslandsResearch #Diaspora #CommunityEmpowerment #LandReform #RuralHousing #GaelicCulture #InternalMigration #Nissology #PopulationGeography #Community #CommunityWealthBuilding #Crofting #Ferries #Depopulation #RuralHomelessness #SecondHomes #Repeopling #PeoplePlaceConnections #RuralPolicy #ReturnMigration
You can also find me at
#returnmigration #ruralpolicy #peopleplaceconnections #repeopling #secondhomes #ruralhomelessness #depopulation #ferries #crofting #communitywealthbuilding #community #populationgeography #nissology #internalmigration #gaelicculture #ruralhousing #landreform #communityempowerment #diaspora #islandsresearch #scottishislands #islands
Here goes for my Introduction toot.
Live in #IsleofBarra. Founder and Manager of #socialenterprise #socent Búth Bharraigh - a #communityshop and #communityhub catering for #local customers and island visitors #tourism #Barra
I’m from #ScottishBorders
Interested in #community #communityempowerment #localeconomy #localfood #smallbusiness #sustainability #communitytourism #outerhebrides
#baking #crochet #communitycrafts #crafts #cooking #swimming and when eventually I have more time #gardening
#gardening #swimming #cooking #crafts #communitycrafts #crochet #baking #outerhebrides #communitytourism #sustainability #smallbusiness #localfood #localeconomy #communityempowerment #community #ScottishBorders #barra #tourism #local #communityhub #communityshop #socent #socialenterprise #isleofbarra
Hello! As I’m new both to #Mastodon and to the #QOTO instance, I’d like to make my #introductions here.
I’m Dom, a postgraduate researcher studying #CondensedMatter, in particular #SoftMatter, #ActiveMatter, #MolecularBiology, #CellBiology, #PhaseTransitions, and #ComplexSystems using the tools of #TheoreticalPhysics, #BioPhysics, #StatisticalPhysics, #FluidDynamics, #ComputationalPhysics, and #Simulation.
I’m working on a few projects at the moment. One addresses #universality in active #turbulence with #spectral techniques. Another predicts a new microphase separation regime in inhomogeneous active #nematics by simulating the coupled #CahnHilliard, #NavierStokes, and #BerisEdwards equations. In another project I’m developing a #FieldTheory of the #orderphobic effect, a nonspecific interaction between #transmembrane bodies anchored in a #lipid #bilayer.
I’m also interested in…
learning #Korean
#theoreticalphysics #biophysics #navierstokes #libertariansocialism #righttorepair #democracy #openscience #communityempowerment #mastodon #qoto #introductions #condensedmatter #softmatter #activematter #molecularbiology #cellbiology #phasetransitions #complexsystems #statisticalphysics #BerisEdwards #orderphobic #transmembrane #cycling #yoga #calisthenics #autonomy #cooperatives #DeliberativeDemocracy #democraticinnovation #science #fluiddynamics #computationalPhysics #simulation #universality #turbulence #spectral #nematics #CahnHilliard #fieldtheory #lipid #BiLayer #archlinux #linux #libresoftware #korean #singing #citizensassemblies #participatorydemocracy #opendemocracy #humanism #rationalism #community #commons #research #wikis #governance
🗒️ 😀 Some of the things I tend to micro-blog about, or boost:
Marcel & Malvin below in the Edinburgh autumn 😍
#Dachshunds #scotland #digitalparticipation #participatorybudgeting #climateassemblies #citizensassemblies #participatoryresearch #power #climateaction #deliberation #politics #DeliberativeDemocracy #participatorydemocracy #governance #socialinnovation #democraticinnovation #communityempowerment #citizens #community #research #commons #democracy #participation
#CommunityHeritage #communityempowerment #scottishindependence let’s see how this works out
#scottishindependence #communityempowerment #communityheritage