@WeAreBrisbane and I process the kitchen scraps into compost ... here behind the wheel of the tractor at Beelarong Community Farm, Morningside. #CommunityFarm #compost #Brisbane
#communityfarm #compost #brisbane
It is hard to convey the bubbling up of inspiration, connection and energy at our North West regional gathering this weekend!
We were joined by several Transition groups in the area, and many others working for transformative change through growing, community, politics, business, education and more.
Wow, it felt good to connect, be together, share our work and our challenges, and soak up the rich conversations at the beautiful Greenslate Farm, a lush, green, lively community space where everyone is made welcome, a glimpse of how things could be everywhere!
Rob Hopkins took us to 2030 in his portable time machine, and we felt a different world on the horizon, a more spacious, restful one, with enough for everyone, where we can trust and lean on each other, birdsong, insect buzz and recovery for us and for nature. Importantly, we asked how we tell new stories of what's possibly, creating longing for a future we haven't yet reached, and invite new people to help us shape it.
Many threads to reflect on and weave into our future work! We'd love to hear what you got out of it, and what the future holds for you!
#imagination #communityaction #climateaction #transformourfuture #transitiontowns #transitiontown #communityfarm #growyourown #communityenergy
#imagination #CommunityAction #ClimateAction #transformourfuture #transitiontowns #transitiontown #communityfarm #growyourown #communityenergy
An old #farm on River Road is being #reborn as a farm supporting #Black , #Indigenous , and #PeopleOfColor in #WindhamCounty .
Last year, Amber Arnold and Naomi Doe Moody, founders of #SUSU #commUNITYFarm , signed a #lease for the former #MapleRowFarm , consisting of 37 acres on the #WestRiver .
#farm #reborn #black #indigenous #peopleofcolor #windhamcounty #susu #communityfarm #lease #maplerowfarm #westriver #vermont #bipoc #poc #goodnews
I’m just learning about this. One thing I gather is that there has been hardly any public input, set to ram through a vote with 5 days notice over a holiday weekend, on the future of the #Waltham #CommunityFarm. Thank you @athorn & @timmc for sounding the alarm. More info here: