I joined the event yesterday: many, many congratulations! It is a fantastic project and I will do my best to share and promote this with everyone I can think of who might be interested - in the #UK, #Nigeria and #Tanzania, both on here and elsewhere. It was really nice seeing the Faces behind AgroEcology Map itself, too.
And do let me know if there is anything I can do or help with as an anthropologist
#uk #nigeria #tanzania #agroecology #farming #communityfarming #citizenscience
A real highlight at yesterday's #Anthropology and #Degrowth workshop was a presentation by three brilliant #Barcelona MA students, on the #CommonGrounds project they launched. It maps and links together #CommunityFarming #Permaculture
#RegenerativeFarming projects across Europe
Please check it out and share, it's a really great #Commoning project
#anthropology #degrowth #barcelona #commongrounds #communityfarming #permaculture #regenerativefarming #commoning
I helped my neighbor build raised plots today.
#urbanfarming #communityfarming #garden #gardening